session is a formal session with invited or applied oral and poster contributions.
Submissions will be reviewed by the Programme Committee
in March and convenors informed whether their proposal has been selected for the ESWW schedule shortly afterwards.
The titles and abstracts will be put online asap.
The Program Committee schedules plenary and parallel sessions in agreement with the conveners.
The convenors make up a time schedule for the oral contributions that is made public through the website
some time after the summer holidays. The agenda and abstracts of the oral and poster presentations will appear
in the ESWW abstract booklet.
A session is open for all participants of the ESWW.
Session proposals are welcome on
a range of scientific and applications oriented topics, and particularly encouraged where they focus
on cross-disciplinary issues and include the participation of end-users of space weather services
and information.
It should be noted that the sessions do not replace the active business meetings or splinters
as we call them further in the text. Splinters form an integral part of the ESWW format. An extra call for
splinters will be send out in Spring this year, but one can already apply - see below.
splinter is a 1.5 hour informal meeting with oral - NO poster - contributions. The splinter
organisers are free to choose a format: a series of presentations, a discussion, a work meeting,
a demonstration, a combination of the previous etc. It is up to the convenors if they follow a time
schedule or not. The convenors provide a title and abstract that is put online. We leave the advertising and the agenda
to the convenors and the abstracts for the individual splinter presentations are not included in the ESWW abstract booklet.
A splinter session is open for all participants of the ESWW.