STCE Workshop - Ionosphere: monitoring, research, services
Tuesday May 14, 2013, 14:00 - 18:00
RMI Geophysical Centre in Dourbes:
13:30 | Welcome tea/coffee |
14:00 | Ionospheric monitoring based on GNSS data - recent developments at ROB | N. Bergeot |
14:30 | Ionospheric studies at BISA: Ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling in the auroral zone and the impact of meteors on the ionosphere | J. De Keyser |
15:00 | Ionospheric and cosmic ray monitoring Ð recent developments at RMI | D. Sapundjiev |
15:30 | Upgrades in the DIAS system to characterize conditions in the topside ionosphere and plasmasphere | A. Belehaki, NOA |
16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:15 | Open session |
17:00 | Discussion: future activities and collaboration |
18:00 | End of the Workshop |
Please confirm your attendance by e-mail to S.Stankov at and Nicolas.bergeot at
We welcome more presentations. Please inform us asap.
You are most welcome in Dourbes!
Stan Stankov and Nicolas Bergeot