The sixth European Space Weather Week will take place in Brugge, Belgium,
from Monday 16th November to Friday 20th November 2009.
This meeting is being jointly organised by the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE), ESA,
the SWWT and the COST ES0803 communities. The local organisation is done by the STCE. This event will build on
the advances made during previous European Space Weather Weeks and
preceding ESA Space Weather Applications Workshops.
The ESWW will again adopt the central aim of bringing together diverse
communities working on all elements of space weather with a strong
focus on user involvement. This year’s meeting will discuss recent
advances in both scientific and applications based domains and how
these advances relate to user needs. It will also provide an opportunity
to discuss the Space Weather community’s contribution to possible
future ESA action in the area of Space Situational Awareness. New data,
tools and techniques will also be discussed and demonstrated during
the workshop with a view to aiding the transition between new scientific
results and user-oriented space weather services.
This year's event will include a second space weather fair, where users
and service providers will have the opportunity to interact in an
informal working environment. The meeting will also include a number
of hands-on splinter sessions and will explore community development
through several dedicated business meetings. |