Spectacular solar eruptions during SC24

The Open Door days at the Space Pole will take place on 29 and 30 September 2018 (see the OD webpage). In preparation for this event, a movie has been created showing the most spectacular solar eruptions of solar cycle 24. A selection was made from the yearly highlights pages, and some movies were re-created using the advanced JHelioviewer software. No less than 33 events were integrated in the movie, and most events are featuring several clips. The movie lasts for about 20 minutes, and its size is about 877 MB.

The movie can be found at:
- The website of the STCE:  http://stce.be/movies/OD2018_v2_Movie.wmv
- This YouTube link: https://youtu.be/_5cf6Ai7ZA0

We hope that you enjoy watching this movie, and that we see you during the Open Door days!




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