Fourth European Space Weather Week

From November 5 to 9, 2007, scientists from all over the world will gather in Brussels to discuss space weather. This is the second time THE European space weather event takes place in Belgium.

The SIDC, part of the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) takes care of the local organisation. The SIDC is well placed for this task as a space weather research and service center. The conference is hosted by the Royal Library of Belgium, like the ROB itself one of the 10 federal scientific institutes under the umbrella of the Belgian Science Policy.

During the previous edition, which was also held in Brussels, we welcomed more than 200 scientists. Like in last year's edition, during ESWW4 scientists will have the opportunity to discuss and exchange their knowledge on space weather and its applications. Brussels will once more be the decor of new collaborations between institutes, persons and companies.

More info can be found on the official ESWW4-website.




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