Submitted on 2013-05-15
Speaker: Marilena Mierla
1. The components of the solar corona 2. The coronagraph 3. Data pre-processing 4. CME visualization 5. Thomson scattering 6. H-alpha emission in WL coronagraph images 7. CME propagating into the heliosphere 8. Summary
Date: 15 May 2013
Submitted on 2013-05-03
Speaker: Cis Verbeeck
1.Goals and motivation 2.Intro to SPoCA: segmentation of coronal EUV images 3.Comparing SPoCA to other algorithms 4.SPoCA analysis of total AR/QS/CH EIT 1997-2011 5.SPoCA AR/CH results EUVI A & B 6.SPoCA AR results SWAP 7.SPoCA CH results AIA 8.Applications
Date: 3 May 2013
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