
A festival of M-class flares

On 22 May, no less than 10 C-class and 2 M-class flares were registered, followed by another 4 C- and 1 M-class events during the subsequent day. The source of all this flaring activity was modest sunspot region NOAA 2824 in the northern solar hemisphere.

Topical Issue on "Ionospheric scintillations" for JSWSC

The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) has opened a new Topical Issue on "Towards better understanding of the ionospheric plasma irregularities and scintillations"to appear in 2021/2022.

The great storm of 15 May 1921

A century ago, on 15 May 1921, the strongest geomagnetic storm of the 20th century took place, showing brilliant polar lights and significantly impacting telegraph and other technological services.

EUI - First Light 1 year

The 3 telescopes of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard Solar Orbiter opened their doors on May 12, 2020 to photograph the Sun. This is exactly 1 year ago. This ‘First Light’ was a crucial step to get the EUI telescopes up and running and pave the path to research.

PSP steals another kiss from the Sun

On 29 April, the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) passed the Sun at only 11.1 million km. This was its closest perihelion so far.

Strong flares during SC25

NOAA 2822 produced a spectacular M3.9 flare on 7 May. This was the 4th M-class flare of solar cycle 25 (SC25).

SWx medals

Call for nominations: international space weather and space climate medals 2021

Quo Vadis discussion forum

Following up on its 17 March 2021 kick-off meeting, the Quo Vadis ESWC interim board now invites you to its discussion forum.

Kees de Jager 100!

EUI 174, not filtered and filtered - EUI 304, not filtered and filtered

Kees, we wish you a Happy Birthday at the speed of light, 100 % supported by Solar Orbiter and EUI. You witnessed 9 solar cycles, passing smoothly to your 10th.

We loved your participation in 'De Kennis van nu' and your enthusiasm and support for Solar Orbiter. 

M1 flare!

NOAA 2816 produced an M1 flare on 19 April. The associated CME was not earth-directed. This is only the 3rd M-class event of the new solar cycle.



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