
Low 10.7 cm radio flux

Every day, the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO) in Penticton, BC, Canada, measures and publishes the values of the 10.7 cm solar radio flux on their website. The wavelengths around 10.7 cm (frequencies around 2800 MHz) are ideal for monitoring the solar activity, as they are very sensitive to conditions in the upper chromosphere and at the base of the corona. As a result, this radio flux is widely used in solar research and space weather applications.

Three Topical Issues for the SWSC Journal

The Sun in 2016

SWAP, the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) telescope aboard ESA's PROBA2 solar satellite, has been observing the Sun on a daily basis in 2016. The folks from the Proba2 Science Centre have made a collage by combining an image for each day into a single poster. The impressive result and some additional explanations are at ESA's Space in Images.

Patrick S. McIntosh (1940–2016)

Patrick S. McIntosh passed away on 16 October 2016. He is well known for the famous sunspot classification he developed.

RoboSWOP in a space game EUFHORIA looking for sunspot treasures

Three challenges for which the belspo BRAIN-be was funded. Find out what it is about.

Spotless Days page

Regular solar observers have noticed that since mid-2016, the Sun has occasionally been devoid of sunspots. In fact, the month of December counted another 6 spotless days (see SDO-image from 10 December underneath). These spotless disks will gradually become a familiar feature as the solar cycle is heading for its next minimum, currently expected by the end of this decade. The number of spotless days can vary significantly from one solar cycle transit to another.

The first sunspot of cycle 25 is seen!

On December 20, 10:30 UT, 2016, an USET observer made a drawing of sunspot A1. Nothing special? It is, definitely.

May we present to you the very first sunspot of solar cycle 25.


PROBA2's 45 X-class flares

The PROBA2 satellite was launched in November 2009, well in time to catch the first X-class flare of the new solar cycle (15 February 2011). The "X" in X-class flares stands for "eXtreme", and that's exactly what these flares are: the strongest class of rontgen flares that the Sun can produce.

First radio burst for ARCAS

On 24 November 2016 around 07:31UT, a brief brightening was observed in extreme ultraviolet imagery (EUV) from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (AIA094; top row images), indicating a small reconnection event. The related white-light images (bottom row) show that this reconnection took place near the southwest border of NOAA 2612's main sunspot. See the imagery underneath at resp. 07:30:12, 07:31:24UT, 07:35:00 (timings for AIA094).

The first Early-Career Day



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