Seventh Solar Information Processing Workshop - August 18-22, 2014, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium

Working group 3

WG 3 : How well can we track small-scale magnetic features?

Summary: This WG is nominally meant to discuss the latest advances on small scale magnetic tracking, and how it can help e.g. in the characterization of the statistical parameters of the magnetic field, the derivation of detailed information about the solar dynamo, the estimation of motion field from a time series of images, and the use of this motion field information in driving boundary condition of semi-empirical MHD models.

Format: The format of this WG will be the same for both the 1-hour session on Monday and the 2-hour session on Wednesday.

Please provide the WG facilitator (derek at boulder dot swri dot edu), before the end of the day Friday Aug 15th, a one- or two- sentence summary of a recent image processing / tracking triumph you would like to share, and/or a current challenge you are facing. Then, be prepared on Monday with a few slides to demonstrate your triumph / challenge. Your fellow working group members are experienced in a wide variety of image processing techniques: your triumph might inspire them to try something new, or they might have just the idea to help you out with your current challenge.