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FairArea CCD and sCMOS cameras for solar astronomy by Dr. Thorsten Pieper, LOT-Quantum Design GmbH Wednesday 16 Nov, 16:30, in front of Delvaux This year's event will also include a space weather fair, from Monday to Friday. It gives the opportunity to check the latest space weather products and find out about new activities. On Wednesday, 16:30 -18:00 , there will be a dedicated fair event with all the standholders being present and ready to explain and discuss with you. The Wednesday fair is followed by a science cafe: space weather juiced with beer and other drinks. Information For fair stand holders Stand Holders
LOT-QuantumDesign GmbH : Provider of CCD and sCMOS based camera and detector technology
The CCDs and SCMOS based camera and detector are the most versatile and sensitive available. They are used worldwide in astronomy and spectroscopy. The STAFF viewer: a powerful tool for space weather forecasters and researchers The Solar Timelines viewer for AFFECTS (STAFF) is a dynamical online viewer that provides a whole range of timelines related to solar activity and space weather like ... read more. Solar Demon: Near real-time dimming, flare and EUV wave detection Solar Demon automatically detects and characterizes dimmings, solar flares, and EUV waves using SDO/AIA data. The software is running ... read more Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center (IMPC) The performance of radio systems used in space based communication, navigation and remote sensing is affected by the ionospheric variability ... read more SSA Space Weather Coordination Center - SSCC The SSCC located at the Space Pole in Belgium provides the first European Space Weather Helpdesk, with operators available to answer questions about the SSA space weather service network, its products or space weather conditions in general ... read more. SSA Space Radiation Expert Service Centre Space environment particles come in many forms ranging from particle radiation (ambient plasma, solar energetic particles, radiation belts, galactic cosmic rays) to micron-size particulates (from meteoroids and space debris). Each phenomenon ... read more. The ESA-SSA Solar Weather Expert Service Centre The Solar Weather Expert Service Centre centralizes solar weather products and services. It also coordinates and harmonizes ongoing developments ... read more. The ESA-SSA Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre For Period 2 of the ESA Space Situational Awareness (SSA) space weather programme (SWE) a new Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre (H-ESC) has been established... read more. The ESA-SSA Geomagnetic Conditions Expert Service Centre The mission of the Geomagnetic Conditions Expert Service Centre (G-ESC) is to provide and develop the functionalities, capabilities and expertise in the domain of geomagnetism within the ESA SSA SWE Network... read more. The ESA-SSASWE Ionosphere Expert Service Centre The Ionosphere ESC addresses the needs of users of radio signal based applications (e.g. GNSS) and the needs of the SSA Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) segment... read more. Jhelioviewer Space Weather Helioviewer is an extension of the JHelioviewer client application with space weather relevant capabilities within a streamlined user interface. SWHV will therefore enable space weather forecasters ... read more Space Weather activities at the University of Alcala The University of Alcala is one of the most active national teams in the space weather science, being responsible for the Spanish Space Weather Service (SeNMEs) ... read more FLARECAST: Re-shaping the state-of-art in solar-flare prediction The Flare Likelihood and Region Eruption Forecasting (FLARECAST) project of the European Commission kicked-off in January 2015 as a 3-year PROTEC (Protection of our Assets in Space) Research and Innovation Action (RIA) ... read more. PROBA2 PROBA2 is a small ESA satellite with a scientific mission to explore the active Sun and its effect on the near-Earth space environment. Now part of ESA's Space Situational Awareness program, PROBA2 provides high cadence observations of the Sun ... read more. The Discriminant Analysis Flare Forecasting System (DAFFS) Under development for the US NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center by NorthWest Research Associates (NWRA), DAFFS will use near-real-time data from NOAA, SDO/HMI, and the NSO/GONG network to issue both region- and full-disk forecasts of solar flares ... read more. Space Weather Activities at the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Since the mid-eighties, the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB) has been active in Space Weather related projects covering basic science to applications ... read more. Endurosat EnduroSat designs and engineers the next-generation CubeSat platform for a range of missions from low Earth orbit to Solar System exploration with a main focus on swarm satellite applications... read more. T-Minus Engineering: T-Minus Dart The company T-Minus Engineering develops rocket systems for scientific research. With our extensive knowledge on rocket design and operation and by making use of state-of-the-art technology, we are able to design rockets ... read more. AVIDOS 2.0 - Forecasting and Nowcasting of Radiation Exposure On-Board Aircraft AVIDOS is a web service of the Seibersdorf Laboratories federated with ESA's Space Weather portal. AVIDOS is informational and educational online software for the assessment of cosmic radiation exposure at flight altitudes ... read more. HESPERIA: High Energy Solar Particle Events forecasting and Analysis High-energy solar energetic particles (SEPs) emitted from the Sun are a major space weather hazard motivating the development of predictive capabilities. read more. World Meteorological Organisation |
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