Posters session 4B
Space Weather in the Solar System
Poster session 4B
Date: |
Thursday, November 08, 2012 |
Time: |
11:00-11:30 |
Abs No
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JUICE Jupiter Mission Radiation Environment and Variability
Evans, H.; Daly, E.J.
ESA has selected the JUICE mission to the moons of Jupiter as
a future "large" class science mission. A major engineering, and
therefore cost, driver is radiation hardness assurance. The Jovian
radiation belts are well known to be very harsh in terms of ionizing
particles, with little in]situ
data available. Empirical models of the environment have been
established successively using Pioneer, Voyager and Galileo data; the
most extensive data to date are from Galileo. Model uncertainties lead
inevitably to design risks for the spacecraft and to imposition of
appropriate radiation design "margins" to mitigate this risk.
Uncertainty stems in large part from uncertainties in the underlying
data, due either to the design and calibration of the instrument or the
representativeness of the data to the mission under investigation.
Although some radiation environment models use "confidence levels" to
mitigate this latter uncertainty, these have to be used with caution.
They are normally based on the scatter of instantaneous measurements
and so do not reflect the probability distribution of time-integrated
fluxes (fluences) over trajectories, of relevance to dose estimation.
We present the JUICE radiation environment and examine
variability of the environment encountered on segments of the Galileo
trajectory passing regions of importance to the JUICE mission. JUICE
will reach Jupiter at earliest in 2030 and will spend 3 1/2 years
exploring the Jupiter system before "disposal" on Ganymede. In that
time it will fly by Europa twice, encountering the most challenging
instantaneous radiation environment of the mission, and orbit Callisto
and Ganymede. The resulting mission radiation dose can reach megarads
with shielding typical of Earth-orbiting spacecraft . More shielding
will clearly be necessary and the shielding thickness determines the
particle energies in the environment of importance to the total dose
and other hazards (internal electrostatic charging). With a 1cm
aluminium shield, electrons with initial energy around 10MeV are most
important while Increasing the shielding to 2cm shifts the important
energies to around 20MeV.
The analysis of variability examines data from the 3
most useful instrument channels of the Galileo EPD instrument.
Unfortunately these channels have very broad responses to electrons,
making derivation of electron spectra difficult. Nevertheless, the
Galileo trajectory passed repeatedly through regions that will be
encountered by JUICE, allowing derivation of fluence variations as a
basis for proposing engineering margins. Given the importance of
radiation effects to the mission, it is also planned to improve the
methodology for radiation shielding analysis to be applied through the
project lifecycle to allow collaborative iterations in an efficient
manner, and also to embark as part of the platform equipment a
customized radiation monitor targeted at measuring energetic electrons
with good resolution in the energy range of concern.
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First Reconstruction of the solar Irradiance out of the ecliptic Plane.
Vieira, Luis1; Norton, Aimée2; Dudok de Wit, Thierry3; Kretzschmar, Matthieu4; Schmidt, Gavin5; Vuiets, Anatoliy1
1LPC2E / CNRS and University of Orléans, FRANCE;
2Stanford University, UNITED STATES;
3University of Orléans, FRANCE;
The solar spectral irradiance (SSI) is a critical input for
space weather applications but also to quantify human-driven climate
change. Direct observations of the SSI started in the late 1970's,
showing solar cycle variations that range from a fraction of a percent
in the visible range, to several percent or more in the UV. The latter
is particularly important for the specification of the
thermosphere/ionosphere system.
To day, all SSI observations and modelling efforts
have concentrated on one unique vantage point only, which is the
terrestrial one. An important, but so far unanswered question is: how
does the SSI and its variability look like from other vantage points,
i.e., outside of the ecliptic plane? This question is relevant for
space exploration (e.g. for missions such as Solar Orbiter), for the
understanding of the solar radiative output, but also for comparing the
Sun to Sun-like stars. This raises a second, and more fundamental
question: how does the solar luminosity vary in time? Due to a lack of
quantitative estimates, this has never been assessed.
Here, we use a semi-empirical irradiance model that
relies on solar surface magnetism to reconstruct the total solar
irradiance (TSI). For the first time, we estimate the TSI for the full
3D heliosphere, from June 2010 till today. From this, we are able to
derive the solar luminosity.
Our results show that observers with different orbital
inclinations experience various levels of irradiance, but the
variability in the TSI remains comparable to that observed at Earth.
Significant differences between different vantage points arise when
there are hemispheric asymmetries in solar active regions. These
effects are important for future missions that will go out of the
ecliptic plane. However, they are not sufficient to drive observed
millenial climate variations through orbital inclination changes. The
variability of the luminosity, which differs from that of the TSI, will
be discussed and recent results on the 3D reconstruction of the SSI
(and not only the TSI) will be presented.
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Modelling and pPevision of the Fluctuation of the Space Weather due to the solar Wind and cosmic ray radiation Effects
Gaudeau, Claude1; Gaudeau, Claude1; Antoine, Mathias1; Borderon, Jean Claude2; Bobola, Philippe3; Jarassier, William3
1Bioespas international, FRANCE;
2Health Migration Asspic, FRANCE;
Key Words : Solar Activity, Géomagnetism, Space Weather, Modelling simulation, Epidemies
Background : According to their energy , cosmics and solar radiations reach the < Space Weather <
around the surface of the earth and have consequences on living
organisms and thus their immune response and emergence of epidemies
The particles associated with solar flares have energy ranging from a few tens of Kev to GeV
Most cosmic radiations, coming from outside the solar
system, have energies ranging between 100 MeV and 10 GeV and particles
flux with energies below about 10 GeV have significant anticorrelation
with the 11 years cycle Solar activity. Several authors have
highlighted a link between, solar flares, space weather, cellular
metabolism and immune response
Method : To taking account the relation between the space radiation and the biosphere must be modelling:
-interaction with the molecules of atmosphere itself
-interaction with the living organism (free radical DNA)
and use :
SADT : Structural Analisys and Design Technic Method
this method consists to represent any process by functional blocks which describe them according to a specific equation
To descibe each process of functional block
quantitatively, it is know that excellent equation type describing them
is PID equation (Proportional, Integrative, Derivative) of the form '3):
Y(t)=k1 X(t) + k2 ∫ X(t) dt + k3 d(X(t))/d(t)
Parameter of each independent variable correspond to each coefficient determined by the regression.
Genesyx is a
knowlwedge engineering system: in which each block is interconnected
following the DATA in a logical way to form a global model of
interraction giving a quantitative and qualitative results(3).
Data :
Taking in consideration the solar and cosmic
particles(proton, electron, Gamma photon and cascads of secondary
particles (gerbes d'Auger), Geomagnetic Index (K, Kp Kpa), (4) for
biological parameters mortality (D(t)), due to influenza some relations
has been established (5).
Kp (t) = 0,0012W2(t) + 0,4513 W (t)+ 161,21, (R2 = 0,1064)
D (t) = 20,7 Kp (t-60) + 7,07 Kp (t-61) - 226,36 (R= 0,26, n = 102 week)
Conclusion and discussion: We found a similarity
between occurrence of epidemic and solar effect during epidemic and
pandemic period. The immune system is an important regulatory mechanism
affected by natural cycle (10-13 years) of the sun (6) .The action of
electromagnetic field around 2,8GHz on viruses mutations,may perhaps
have break DNA, gene expressions. We have probably an immune depression
and/or viruses mutations due to space factors and then an indirect
incidence on epidemic diseases. The theory of Planetary Modulation of
the Solar Activity (7)permits prevision of the occurrence of sunspots
and pandemics. It is possible to forecast approximate period of
probable beginning of the next surge of an epidemic.
1. George E. Davis Jr., Solar cycles and their
relationship to human disease and adaptability, Medical Hypotheses 67,
447 - 461, 2006.
2. Elijahu G. Stoupel., Relationship between
immunoglobulin levels and extremes of solar activity, Int J
Biometeorol, 38:39-91, 1991.
3. Gaudeau C. and coll, Imuno Modelling, An Expert system, Scientific Data Management, Vol 3 1999
4. Guez R; Gaudeau, C., Etude statistique de
l'activité Géomagnétique, Extract from onde
Electrique , Vol 475, 1966.
5. Stoupel E., Cosmic rays activity and monthly number
of deaths: a correlative study, J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol,
13(1):23-32, 2002.
6. Babayev E.S., An Influence of the heliophysical
condition on influenza diseases in Azerbaijan during 1976-2000, Solar
researches in South-Estern Euroean Countries, 2002.
7. Gaudeau C. and coll Planetary Modulation of Solar Activity Internal Report 16212 2010
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Modeling Atmospheric Energy Deposition (by energetic Ions)
Parkinson, Christopher1; Liemohn, Michael1; Lillis, Robert2; Barthelemy, Mathieu3; Bougher, Stephen1; Brain, Dave4; Jolitz, Rebecca2
1University of Michigan, UNITED STATES;
3Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG), FRANCE;
4University of Colorado, UNITED STATES
The structure, dynamics, chemistry, and evolution of planetary
upper atmospheres are in large part determined by the available sources
of energy. In addition to the solar EUV flux, the solar wind and solar
energetic particle (SEP) events are also important sources. Both of
these particle populations can significantly affect an atmosphere,
causing atmospheric loss and driving chemical reactions. Attention has
been paid to these sources from the standpoint of the radiation
environment for humans and electronics, but little work has been done
to evaluate their impact on planetary atmospheres. At unmagnetized
planets or those with crustal field anomalies, in particular, the solar
wind and SEPs of all energies have direct access to the atmosphere and
so provide a more substantial energy source than at planets having
protective global magnetic fields. Additionally, solar wind and
energetic particle fluxes should be more significant for planets
orbiting more active stars, such as is the case in the early history of
the solar system for paleo-Venus and Mars. Therefore quantification of
the atmospheric energy input from the solar wind and SEP events is an
important component of our understanding of the processes that control
their state and evolution. Such modeling has been previously done for
Earth, Mars and Jupiter using a guiding center precipitation model with
extensive collisional physics. Currently, this code is only valid for
particles with small gyroradii in strong uniform magnetic fields. There
is a clear necessity for a Lorentz formulation that can perform
calculations for cases where there is only a weak or nonexistent
magnetic field that includes detailed physical interaction with the
atmosphere (i.e. collisional physics). We show initial efforts to apply
a full Lorentz motion particle transport model to study the effects of
particle precipitation in the upper atmospheres of Venus, Mars, and
Titan. A systematic study of the ionization, excitation, and energy
deposition is conducted including a comparison of the influence
relative to other energy sources (namely EUV photons) and previous
efforts using the guiding center approximation.
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New instrument Concept for Reconstructing the solar UV Flux for planetary space weather Applications
Cessateur, Gaël1; Lilensten, Jean2; Dudok de Wit, Thierry3; Kretzschmar, Matthieu3; BenMoussa, Ali4
2IPAG University of Grenoble, FRANCE;
3LPC2E University of Orléans, FRANCE;
The specification of the local space weather conditions of a
planet becomes today an important parameter for modelling issues,
especially for thermosphere/ionosphere modelling. Various planetary
space weather applications then require a continuous and
radiometrically calibrated monitoring of the solar spectral irradiance
in the UV, especially to better understand how it directly affects the
thermosphere/ionosphere system of the considered planet/moon. As of
today, all solar UV observations are made either with broadband
radiometers or with spectrometers. All these instruments suffer from
degradation and are facing the problem of in-flight calibration. As a
consequence, most applications that require continuous and long-term
observations rely instead on a variety of solar proxies that partly
mimic some of the spectral bands. The search for more robust instrument
concepts therefore is an issue of considerable importance.
We propose a solution which is expected to overcome,
at least partially, these problems. We propose here a new approach
based on the idea that it is not necessary to measure the all spectrum
but that a few bands suffice for retrieving all the other wavelengths.
Five spectral bands in the UV are found to be sufficient for retrieving
the full solar UV spectrum with an accuracy that is comparable to that
of present spectrometers. Besides, we consider here wide band gap
materials instead of silicon for the photodetectors, which are suited
for very harsh environments such as the Jovian system. Finally, those
new detectors select directly the desired spectral range making front
filters, which can contribute to in-flight degradation, useless. With a
small weight and a low telemetry, this new instrumental concept might
be an interesting asset for planetary missions, such as the JUICE
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Detecting Solar energetic particle Events with NMDB
Steigies, Christian1; Bütikofer, Rolf2; Fuller, Nicolas3; Klein, Karl-Ludwig3
1Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, GERMANY;
2University of Bern, SWITZERLAND;
3Observatoire de Paris, FRANCE
In the Neutron Monitor database NMDB, a project that was started with FP7
funding, Cosmic Ray observations from ground based Neutron Monitors of over
30 stations worldwide are combined in real-time. On May 17, 2012, this
network detected the first ground-level enhancement (GLE = relativistic
solar particle event) of the current solar cycle. The growing coverage of NM
stations allows us to quickly determine spectra and intensities of
earth-directed solar energetic particle events, which can be harmful to
technology aboard spacecaft, radio communications and which create an
enhanced radiation dose aboard aircraft. We will demonstrate the improved
availability of real-time data and some of the data products that several
participants of the NMDB project routinely create.
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Anomalities of space weather Characteristics fixed by the space ionizing radiation monitoring System of Roscosmos
Anashin, Vasily1; Protopopov, Grigory1; Balashov, Sergey2; Gaidash, Sergey3; Sergeecheva, Natalia4; Tasenko, Sergey5; Shatov, Pavel5
1Joint-Stock Company Institute of Space Device Engineering, RUSSIAN FEDERATION;
2Information Satellite System “Reshetnev Company, RUSSIAN FEDERATION;
3Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation (IZMIRAN), RUSSIAN FEDERATION;
4S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation “ENERGIA”, RUSSIAN FEDERATION;
5Fiodorov Institute of applied geophysics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
The exploitation experience of space ionizing irradiation
exposure on electronic components of engineering Monitoring System
elements is discussed. The subjects considered are the space-borne
control of TID effects on electronic components, the ground-based
control of space weather characteristics and the ground-based space
weather forecast station functioning.
The base component of space-born segment is the set of
TID sensors, operating on MNOSFET dosinetry principle. More than 36 TID
sensors were placed onboard more than 18 spacecraft at the circular
orbit ~20000 km since October 2008.
The analysis of the flight data in 2012 is presented.
Anomalous increasing dose rate in March (in ~ 100 times) after big
solar flare was observed. The TID sensor data were compared with the
average dose rate from the International Space Station, with ELECTRO
electron flux, with ground measurements of cosmic ray variations by
Moscow Neutron Monitor and with GOES proton and electron flux data. An
excellent agreement with TID sensor data and integral flux of GOES 2
MeV electron is observed. The ELECTRO, ISS and ground-level data also
correlate with TID sensor data.
The anomalous on 07.03.2012 was predicted by the
forecast station of Monitoring System. The proton flux increasing was
predicted on the previous day. Modification of electron fluence
forecast was carried out. Verification of electron fluence forecast
showed a good correlation between forecast and experimental data.
The absence of abrupt increasing of dose rate at the
MEO during the solar flare with proton flux increasing and without
electron flux increasing at the GEO is noted.
The experimental dose rate data were compared to the
calculated dose rate. The experimental and calculated dose rates differ
from each other in the order of magnitude in several periods of time.
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eHeroes Assessment of Radiation Exposure during future Missions to the Moon and Mars
Lapenta, Giovanni1; Cazzola, Emanuele2
1KU Leuven, BELGIUM;
2Politecnico di Torino, ITALY
During the upcoming decades, all important worldwide space
agencies are planning to undertake interplanetary travel outside the
terrestrial magnetic field. Human and robotic missions are planned from
scientific exploration to economic space endeavours. The FP7-funded
project eHeroes ( plans to address one of the greatest
issues in space exploration: radiation exposure to the astronauts due
to space weather.
The present work deals with an investigation of the
radiation dose astronauts may receive during two of the most important
missions, i.e. Moon and Mars colonization. Concerning the assessment,
the missions are divided into many segments in order to take into
consideration all the different radiation sources. The main radiation
the astronauts are going to face are SPE –
Solar Proton Events and GCR - Galactic Cosmic Rays, since the radiation
belts around the Earth affect only a short exposure time.
Extensive use of SPENVIS is made to carefully assess
typical expected mission doses for the Moon and Mars, breaking up the
dose into the component during flight and the component during
residence on the surface. Comparison has been made with previous
published studies.
A key aspect of the mission planning and execution is
the ability to immediately asses in real time the dose produced by a
given space weather event. For this reason, eHeroes has developed a new
analysis code, to be made available online on the eHeroes web site,
which takes as input particle fluxes recorded by some specific
satellites, such as ACE and GOES, and allows the user to choose some
principal parameters related to shielding and geometric conditions. As
output, the code gives the value of the effective dose and the ambient
dose equivalent, both expressed in Sievert, according to recent
radiation protection protocols. This eHeroes tool can be refined to
take into account details of future missions and can operate in real
time to help the astronauts monitor and manage their radiation exposure.