Tutorial - Tour of Space
We will have our 5th edition of the tutorial. The tutorial is at the same time the kick-off of the Battle of the Solar Titans, an online quiz that runs the whole week.
Space Weather involves many areas: reaching from the Sun to the Earth, over space and the Earth's environment. Space Weather is about technology, science, hazards, inventing new concepts, a new way of thinking.
10:00-10:15 |
The future of Space Weather |
We don't want to explain again what Space Weather is. The participants of the ESWW9 have a clue about this. But, do we have an idea where we are heading to?
A personal view - somehow connected to the future SSA space weather segment - of |
10:15-11:00 |
Space Weather Shopping - Part I |
You will be introduced to a broad variety of space weather subjects in an informal way. You pass from one expert to another one: a fast Meet and Greet through the space weather landscape.
- Katrien Bonte, KULeuven - SoFAST & Solar Orbiter
- Volker Bothmer, University of Gottingen - Sailing on Sunshine
- Anik Degroof,ESA - PROBA2 satellite
- Johan De Keyser, BIRA-IASB - Comets
- Emil Kraaikamp, STCE - Lucky Imaging
- Philippe Mollet, MIRA - Public Observatory
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee |
11:30-11:50 |
Space Weather Shopping - Part II |
More 'Meet and Greet' fun. |
11:50-12:15 |
Scientists in the Sofa |
Your host will dig through the science of the people in the sofa. Three people involved in Space Weather tell about their passion. Starring
- Dan Seaton, ROB, Belgium
- Shaun Bloomfield, Astrophysics Research Group, Dublin, Ireland
- Marilena Mierla, Institute of Geodynamics, Romanian Academy, Romania
- Dave Pitchford, SES Astra, Luxemburg - your host
12:15-12:30 |
The Battle of the Solar Titans - preview |
The Battle of the Solar Titans is an online quiz that runs the whole week. It has a daily ranking. This 10' preview gives a taste of the Battle of the Solar Titans. After 10 min, we will have our first Solar Titan in real time. |
This tutorial is the result of a collaboration between partners from
- the eHEROES project, EU
- the STCE, Belgium
Monday Nov 5, 2012: 10:00 - 12:30
Following the tutorial, the participants are offered a free sandwich lunch.
Registration is free, but necessary. Participation in the ESWW9 is not necessary.
- For participants of the ESWW9: registration can be done through the regular
registration form.
- For those that only want to participate in the tutorial and not in the ESWW9: you can register by
sending an email to petra.vanlommel at oma.be
Deadline for registration for the tutorial is Oct 19, 2012.