Ninth European Space Weather Week
November 5 - 9, 2012, Brussels, Belgium

Splinter - Ground Effects Topical Group
M. Wik
Tuesday, Nov 6, 14:00-16:00

There is a growing interest in ground effects from space weather, not just from the science and end-users point of view, but also from ESA, EU, authorities, civil contingency agencies and the general public. Since the hazard on ground technology is a cross-disciplinary activity, we need better collaboration between solar-, space- and geophysicists and the power engineering community.

Therefore, we would like to expand this group with new members, both from within the SWWT/TWG but also from any of the groups listed above. If you are interested in this topic and want to join but unable to attend, please send an e-mail, with a short description, and you will be added to the GETG e-mail and member list.

The Ground Effects Topical Group (GETG) covers a wide range of activities:
  • Modelling the occurrence of geomagnetic variations and geoelectric fields during space weather events.
  • Modelling GIC in electric power systems (discrete grounding).
  • Modelling GIC in buried pipeline networks (continuous grounding).
  • Modelling GIC in railway equipment (continuous grounding).
  • Measurements of geomagnetic variations, geoelectric fields and GIC.
  • Development of forecast techniques of geomagnetic storms and GIC based on neural networks and physical models.
  • Risks and Hazards from an insurance and social perspective.
  • Public outreach.
Meeting Agenda
  • Introduction to SWWT, TWG and GETG
  • Presentations (EURISGIC, GIC demo, effects on Railway, measurements and forecast service)
  • Emerging activities
  • Reports from members
  • Past and upcoming meetings
  • Discussion/Conclusions

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