Ninth European Space Weather Week
November 5 - 9, 2012, Brussels, Belgium

Splinter - PROBA2-LYRA: status of the instrument and scientific achievements after three years in orbit
M. Dominique (ROB)
Tuesday, Nov 6, 14:00-16:00

LYRA, the Large Yield RAdiometer onboard PROBA2 is providing the scientific community with the time series of its four broad EUV-MUV channels since nearly three years. This splinter is the opportunity to give an overview of the instrument status and to present the main scientific achievements using LYRA data in fields as various as:
  1. space instrumentation (degradation, wide band-gap detectors ...),
  2. observational and theoretical solar physics (solar flares, seismology of the corona ...),
  3. space weather monitoring,
  4. aeronomy (analysis of the occultation profiles).

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