ESA Academy visits the STCE

On May 8, the STCE team was invited to teach at ESA's Academy in Transinne (BE) in a pilot for their new Space Weather Training Course. 
30 students were selected for a week-long, in-depth school about space weather and its technological impacts. The STCE was responsible for giving the students a first introduction on how to forecast space weather events and impacts.

Later in the week, the students hopped on a bus and drove a long way to the Space Pole in Brussels. We took them on a tour of our various activities; ranging from satellite operations, to ground-based observations and of course space weather forecasting. Also a visit to ESA's Space Weather Coordination Centre, that is hosted by the STCE, was on the program. 

We met a lot of very enthusiastic and interested students who had a ton of questions for us. All in all, a great experience!





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