A very nice filament eruption occurred near the north-western solar limb during the morning hours of 3 June 2015. It concerned the long filament already mentioned in the previous news item of 27 May 2015, when it was still in the north-eastern quadrant. |
Some amateur solar observers were able to capture impressive images of this eruption in H-alpha, a filter providing a view of the "cold" (about 10.000 degrees) inner solar atmosphere. Jean-Pierre Brahic (France) was able to make the extraordinary snapshot shown above at 07:37UT. The full-resolution image can be found at Astrosurf . A side-by-side comparison with SDO/AIA 304 (extreme ultraviolet at 80.000 degrees) reveals some subtle differences (image below). |
The filament rose even further until it reached a height of over 200.000 km about 30 minutes later. It towered so high above the solar surface, that it got out of SDO/AIA's field-of-view (FOV). Fortunately, PROBA2/SWAP was able to capture the eruption in its full extent with its wider FOV camera (see below; image taken at 07:57UT). Most of the material fell back on the Sun, but a narrow coronal mass ejection (CME) was associated to this eruption, moving in the west-south-western direction with a plane-of-the-sky speed of nearly 700 km/s. It was not aimed at our planet. A movie of the event can be found here. |
Credits - Data and imagery for the movie clips were taken from SDO, SOHO/LASCO, PROBA2/SWAP and J.-P. Brahic. |