Submitted on 2020-08-04
A prominence near the southeast solar limb erupted on 31 July. The associated coronal mass ejection (CME) was not earth-directed.
Submitted on 2020-07-28
Comet NEOWISE gave an impressive evening spectacle during the first few weeks of July, being visible with the naked eye and displaying two distinct tails.
Submitted on 2020-07-22
A new sunspot has rounded the solar east limb. It belongs to the new solar cycle, which seems to have started late in 2019.
Submitted on 2020-07-16
During an ESA online press briefing on 16 July, the first images from ESA’s new Sun-observing spacecraft Solar Orbiter have been released. The images are very exciting, and promise to get only better and to reveal new scientific insights!
Submitted on 2020-07-07
A composite of EUV and white light imagery taken during the eclipse of 2 July 2019 shows the solar corona in all its glory!
Submitted on 2020-06-15
It is June, the time of the year of the annual STCE meeting. But COVID-19 forces us to rethink the concept.
Submitted on 2020-06-10
Solar observers at ROB caught the International Space Station (ISS) transiting the Sun.
Submitted on 2020-06-02
On 29 May, the Sun surprized the space weather community with some unexpectedly strong solar flares from an active region that was still behind the solar limb.
Submitted on 2020-05-26
The latest data confirm that solar cycle 24 is a huge disappointment in terms of geomagnetic activity.
Submitted on 2020-05-19
Bright faculae fields appeared near the east solar limb late on 16 May. They belong to the new solar cycle but alas, so far, they have remained spotless.
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