
ASGARD: balloons for science

School kids propose and develop experiments that are then launched into the stratosphere with a weather balloon from the RMI.

The amazing coronal holes

The size and location of coronal holes are intimately related to the phase of the solar cycle, continuously giving the solar corona a different outlook in EUV over the last 10 years.

A new SC25 group?

A tiny and short-lived sunspot group at high latitude with the correct magnetic orientation of the new solar cycle was visible on 9 and 10 April. Though it did not get an official NOAA number, these "Tiny Tims" indicate that the start of SC25 is approaching

What a difference 4 years make!

The low solar activity of the last few months manifests itself also in the number of coronal mass ejections.

The battle of Takur Ghar

A combination of ionospheric anomalies and multipath effects may have caused radio outages during the intense battle of Takur Ghar on 4 March 2002, with severe consequences for the rescue mission.

How weak was SC24?

The still ongoing Solar Cycle 24 is compared to the 3 previous cycles in various domains: sunspots, solar flares, particle events, and severe geomagnetic storms. SC24 turns out to be the weakest of the lot, with significantly reduced sunspot and flaring activity as well as relatively weak and few proton and geomagnetic events.

Valentine's aurora?

A coronal mass ejection, unleashed by the Sun on 12 February, may arrive at Earth on 14 or 15 February and cause some minor to moderate geomagnetic storming.

An early solar cycle minimum?

Analysis of the most recent F10.7 cm solar flux density values hints at an early solar cycle minimum.

It takes two to Tango!

Some interesting prominences appeared around 27-29 January, with one particularly dynamic as it rotated over the Sun's northwestern limb.

The last C-class flare

The last C-class flare dates already back from 5 October 2017.



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