The STCE in 2022

The STCE Annual Report 2022 is now available at

It is a compilation of the activities done in 2022 within the frame of the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE). This report continues the style from the previous editions. Hence, as it is targeting a more general public, it presents only a selection of the 2022-activities in easy-to-digest summaries.

These bite-sized articles emphasize the intense collaboration between the institutes at the Space Pole, as well as with our external partners. Aside the usual topics such as the space weather highlights, public outreach, and listings with conference talks and science papers, it covers also contributions on e.g. the Open Doors of 24-25 September, the interactions between the plasmasphere and the radiation belts, the ionospheric effects of the Hunga volcano eruption, the Starlink incident, the forecasting of travelling ionospheric disturbances,... and much more.

We wish you an enjoyable reading experience!




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