
A new month, a new X-class flare!

A sunspot region near the northwest solar limb produced a new X-class flare on 3 March. The bulk of the associated CME is not earth-directed.

One active region, 2 M-class flares

Decaying active region NOAA 13229 produced 2 M-class flares. The associated CMEs had earth-directed components and caused a strong geomagnetic storm 2 days later.

More on the X2 flare

Some more clips of the X2 flare of 17 February 2023.

Mercury, a little black dot on the Sun

The telescope EUI onboard the satellite Solar Orbiter could capture Mercury while it transited the Sun. Scientists use the little black as a guide for science-approved photo-editing.

X2.2 flare

An X2.2 flare erupted from sunspot region NOAA 13229. The bulk of the associated coronal mass ejection is not directed to Earth. Updated.


On 7 February, a spectacular eruption took place near the Sun's east limb. It was accompanied by a significantly deflected coronal mass ejection.

X-class flare!

Active region NOAA 13217 produced a low-level X-class flare peaking at 15:48 UTC on 11 February.

SC25 going strong

The STCE's SC25 Tracking page has been updated to reflect the latest evolution in some critical space weather parameters for the ongoing solar cycle 25 (SC25).

A stunning filament eruption

On 20 January, a large filament in the southwest solar quadrant erupted producing some spectacular images.

New milestones for SC25

Solar activity continued to be elevated, with both the sunspot number and the solar radio flux reaching their highest values so far this solar cycle.



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