
‘Le Soleil et nous’, a popular book written by a scientist of the STCE

Inspired by his career and his experience in popularising science, Frédéric Clette presents us, in this book intended for a wide readership, a global panorama of the Sun, its multiple influences on our planet and us, humans, as well as the new dangers it may bring for our present society.

Heads-up on SC25

The STCE's SC25 Tracking page has been updated to reflect the latest evolution in some critical space weather parameters for the ongoing solar cycle 25 (SC25).

First Solar Orbiter/EUI Guest Investigator Call is now open

The EUI PI team welcomes research proposals for the first round of its Guest Investigator Program for research based on EUI and Solar Orbiter data analysis by scientists outside the EUI PI team.

Great news from PROBA-3/ASPIICS!

ROB/SIDC has successfully passed the Flight Acceptance Review of its Science Operations Centre for PROBA-3/ASPIICS

Déjà-vu all over? Not quite.

NOAA 3014 has been the largest sunspot group of the ongoing solar cycle so far, but despite its magnetic complexity, it has remained an underachiever in flaring activity.

A complex eruption in a small sunspot region

Last week's X-class flare showed a complex evolution in its soft x-ray emission.

An X-class surprise

NOAA 3006 is a rather small sunspot region, that has just produced an X1.5 flare at 13:55UT today. It concerns the same region that was also responsible for the X1 flare from 3 May.


From 27 till 29 April, the 11th installment of the ASGARD project took place on the premises of the Planetarium and the Space Pole. About 80 students from Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom came together for 3 days to participate in this educational space project.

X1.1 flare!

An X1.1 flare was observed on 3 May at 13:25UT. It originated from a region near the southeast solar limb.

A curious proton flux enhancement

A small enhancement in the proton flux observed on 29 April was most likely the result from a filament eruption in the spotless active region NOAA 2996.



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