
X1.8 flare in NOAA 3873

Another X-class flare, but from a different region. The associated coronal mass ejection may deliver a glancing blow on 28 October.

Meteors, meteoroids and meteorites. What is the difference?

The BRAMS team produced a short movie that explains the difference between meteoroids, meteors and meteorites, radio observations of meteors, BRAMS, and what you see in a spectrogram. 

Back in business!

The Sun produced a strong X3.3 flare on 24 October. The associated coronal mass ejection, expected to deliver a glancing blow, actually arrived on 26 October at 15:35UTC (DSCOVR).  A minor geomagnetic storm is expected. ***UPDATED (2)***

Cruising through SC25 maximum

The STCE's SC25 Tracking page has been updated to reflect the latest evolution of some critical space weather parameters for the ongoing solar cycle 25 (SC25).

Impacts from a severe geomagnetic storm

The impact of the severe geomagnetic storm of 10-11 October was felt in various domains.

Solar Storm has ended - Oct 12

NL - FR - EN

The magnetic situation returned to normal with values between 1 and 3 on a scale between 0 and 9.

Solar Storm - Oct 11, 11:00 Belgian time

NL - FR - EN  

Radio communication over long distances is disturbed due to the ongoing geomagnetic storm. The STCE has issued a warning.

Solar Storm - Oct 10, 21:20 Belgian time

NL - FR - EN

Magnetic storm of magnitude 8- on the planetary level. Over Belgium, the storm has a strength of 7. 



Solar Storm - chances for Aurora in Belgium

NL - FR - EN

Press release by the STCE on the strong solar storm of October 9.

Exceptional detection of an X9.0 flare by PROBA2/LYRA

On October 3, the Sun unleashed its most powerful eruption since 2017: a solar flare classified as X9.0 on the GOES scale, accompanied by a significant coronal mass ejection. We also observed a signal related to this flare in the Herzberg channel which is extremely rare.



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