De Zon

A Tuesday in the Kindergarten 't Okkerzeeltje.

A pilot visits the school. He tells the children from the blue and the red class that there were problems during the flight the day before with the radio link. Pilots use a radio link to talk to pilots in other aircraft or air traffic controllers in the tower at an airport. How was this possible?

Together with a solar scientist, the toddlers investigated and studied the sun. With special binoculars that fly along with satellites, the solar scientist could take pictures of the sun. They even looked with their own eyes at the sun. The sun is so bright that it was visible looking through a dark eclipse glass! The sun must be very strong and energetic. By looking at images of a solar eclipse and of the sun, they discovered that there are 'threads' and spots on the sun. Those threads can get so badly tangled that they break making the spots to explode. 
The  figured out that it was such a solar storm causing the problems with the radio phone of the pilot. But the sun not only causes problems. It gives warmth on such a cold Tuesday and it also creates the beautiful northern lights.


Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - 09:00 to 11:00

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