ESA Academy set up a pilot edition of a Space Weather Training Course to be held from 8 to 12 May 2023 at ESA Academy's Training and Learning Facility in ESEC-Galacia, Belgium.
The Space Weather Education Center of the STCE welcomes the students on Wednesday afternoon, May 10 for a guided visit to the Research & Service facilities of the STCE.
Tour: Research & Services at STCE
Space based facilities - PROBA2 - space weather mission by Elke D'Huys
Space radiation expert centre by Lenka Zychova
Ground based facilities: radio observation engineering and Antonio’s lab by Antonio Martinez
Space based facilities: EUI onboard of Solar Orbiter by Cis Verbeeck
Ground based facilities: Solar Dome by Sabrina Bechet
Tools: JHelioviewer by Elke D'Huys
STCE's Space weather service centre and ESA's Space Weather Coordination Centre by Petra Vanlommel