Presentations & Posters
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Session 1: Heating and high spatial resolution: what we have and what we really need
Oral presentations
- Modeling fine structure of coronal loops (invited) - Philippa Browning
- New insights on coronal structuring and heating from Hi-C (invited) - Paola Testa
- Structure of solar coronal loops: from miniature to large-scale - Hardi Peter
- Small-scale heating events observed with Hi-C - Stephane Regnier
- Statistical analysis of coronal heating in active region loops - is the heating steady or variable? - Andrzej Fludra
- LEMUR/EUVST: the high spatial and temporal resolution spectrograph for the Solar C mission - Luca Teriaca
- Hi-C and AIA observations of transverse waves in active region structures - Richard Morton
- Posters
Oral presentations
Session 2: Diagnostic tools: DEMs/EM, Dopplershifts, plasma, flows and lines profile, importance of energetic particles, filling factor
Oral Presentations
- Coronal loop observations and diagnostics (invited) - David Brooks
- The multi-thermal emission in solar active regions - Giulio Del Zanna
- Coronal cooling and multithermal analysis of AIA loops - Joan Schmelz
- Age dependence of EM distribution in AR cores - Helen Mason
- Can the Differential Emission Measure diagnostic be used to constrain the timescale of energy deposition in the corona? - Chloé Guennou
- Thermal structure of coronal loops as seen with Norikura coronagraph - Sayamanthula Krishna Prasad
- Cross-sectional properties of coronal loops and their implications - Henry Winter III
- Observations of flows in active-region loops: as a response to coronal heating (invited) - Hirohisa Hara
- Non-Gaussian coronal spectral lines profiles in active region cores - Laurent Dolla
- Core and wing densities of asymmetric coronal spectral profiles: implications for the mass supply of the solar corona - Spiros Patsourakos
- Density of active region outflows derived from Fe XIV 264/274 - Naomasa Kitagawa
- HXR observations of non-flaring active regions and coronal loops (invited) - Iain Hannah
- S2-1: Collisional ionization equilibrium for the Kappa-distributions in the solar corona - Jaroslav Dudik
- S2-2: The kappa-distributions and DEM analysis - Simon Mackovjak
- S2-3: Magnetic and thermal acceleration in the Extreme-Ultraviolet jet - Yuki Matsui
- S2-5: Comparative analysis of emission measure in an active region: hot vs cool components - Antonino Petralia
- S2-6: Thermal X-ray emission in kink-unstable coronal loops - Rui Pinto
- S2-7: Red and blueshifts in multistranded coronal loops - Stephane Regnier
- S2-8: Absolute measurement of spectral fluxes using simultaneous EIT/SOHO and SPIRIT/CORONAS-F data - Sergey Shestov
- S2-9: Forward modelling of coronal loop emission - Tom Van Doorselaere
- S2-10: Cross-sectional properties of coronal loops - Matthew West
- S2-11: The importance of nonthermal particles in coronal phenomena - Henry Winter III
Oral Presentations
Session 3: Connection of the different layers of the atmosphere
Oral presentations
- Modeling the energetics and dynamics of the outer solar atmosphere (invited) - Viggo Hansteen
- Asymmetries in coronal emission lines and their emission measure - Durgesh Tripathi
- A coupled model for the formation of active region corona - Feng Chen
- Multidimensional modeling of coronal rain dynamics - Xia Fang
- S3-1: Non-existence of a cut-off frequency for the propagation of kink-modes on a stratified tube - Jesse Andries
- S3-2: Evolution of the global temperature structure of the corona during the minimum between solar cycles 23 and 24 - Richard Frazin
- S3-3: Very high resolution structures of an active region: moss cells and filament channels - Serge Koutchmy
- S3-4: 3D reconstruction of a sigmoidal active region - Marilena Mierla
- S3-5: MHD modeling of chromospheric flows injected in coronal loops - Antonino Petralia
- S3-6: Investigation of macrospicules with TESIS/CORONAS-PHOTON EUV telescope - Anton Reva
- S3-7: Solar low-lying cool loops - Clementina Sasso
- S3-8: Peristaltic pumping in post-CME supra-arcade current sheets - Roger Scott
- S3-9: A model of the chromosphere: heating, structures, and circulation - Paul Song
Oral presentations
Session 4: Energy release in the corona: frequency and magnitude of events
Oral presentations
- Recent advances in theory and modelling of coronal wave heating (invited) - Ineke De Moortel
- Statistical analysis of several hours period intensity pulsations in the solar corona over cycle 23 and possible interpretations - Frédéric Auchère
- Seismological determination of the physical parameters that govern wave dissipation time and spatial scales - Iñigo Arregui
- A self-consistent model of Alfvén wave phase mixing - Greg Kiddie
- Toward self-consistent 3D MHD modeling of the heating of a twisted coronal loop - Fabio Reale
- The heating of solar coronal loops (invited) - Adriaan van Ballegooijen
- Heating frequency in active region cores as observed in AIA FeXVIII images - Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- Can long nano flare storms or uniform steady heating models match the EIS intensity ratios in active region cores? - Scott Ripperda
- Combining particle acceleration and coronal heating via data-constrained calculations of nanoflares in coronal loops - Costis Gontikakis
- S4-1: Bayesian inference and model comparison for solar atmospheric seismology - Iñigo Arregui
- S4-2: On the nature of damping of slow magneto-acoustic waves - Dipankar Banerjee
- S4-3: 10 MK slipping loops in an X-class flare observed by SDO/AIA - Jaroslav Dudik
- S4-4: Sausage oscillations of coronal plasma structures - Chris Hornsey
- S4-5: Distributions of energy of EUV bright points in the solar corona with SDO/AIA - Vincent Joulin
- S4-6: On the cooling of multistranded coronal loops - Stephane Regnier
- S4-7: On Alfvenic waves in thread-spicules - Ehsan Tavabi
- S4-8: Multiwavelength dynamics of small-scale structures in the quiet solar corona - Artem Ulyanov
- S4-9: Hot reconnection outflows associated to an X-class flare - Tetsuya Watanabe
Oral presentations