Sixth Coronal Loops Workshop - June 25 - 28, 2013, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium


Here is the program in pdf.
You may also want to download the abstracts book (printable version).
Monday, June 24
@ 13:16, 14:16, 16:16, 17:17, 18:17, 19:17 Shuttle busses from Railway station to Conference center
19:00 Welcome reception
Tuesday, June 25
9:00 9:15 Welcome - D. Berghmans and LOC
Session 1: Heating and high spatial resolution: what we have and what we really need
Chair: F. Reale
9:15 10:30 Invited: Modeling fine structure of coronal loops - P. Browning
Invited: New insights on coronal structuring and heating from Hi-C - P. Testa
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 12:30 Structure of solar coronal loops: from miniature to large-scale - H. Peter
Small-scale Heating Events Observed with Hi-C - S. Regnier
Statistical analysis of coronal heating in active region loops – is the heating steady or variable? - A. Fludra
LEMUR/EUVST: the high spatial and temporal resolution spectrograph for the Solar C mission - L. Teriaca
12:30 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 14:20 Hi-C and AIA observations of transverse waves in active region structures - R. Morton
Session 2: Diagnostic tools: DEMs/EM, Doppler-shifts, plasma, flows and lines profile, importance of energetic particles, filling factor
Chair: I. Ugarte-Urra
14:20 15:00 Invited: Coronal Loop Observations and Diagnostics - D. Brooks
15:00 16:30 Posters session / Coffee Break
16:30 17:30 The multi-thermal emission in solar active regions - G. Del Zanna
Coronal Cooling and Multithermal Analysis of AIA Loops - J. Schmelz
Wednesday, June 26
Session 2: Diagnostic tools: DEMs/EM, Doppler-shifts, plasma, flows and lines profile, importance of energetic particles, filling factor
Chair: I. Ugarte-Urra
9:00 10:30 Age Dependence of EM Distribution in AR Cores – H. Mason
Can the Differential Emission Measure diagnostic be used to constrain the timescale of energy deposition in the corona? - C. Guennou
Thermal structure of coronal loops as seen with Norikura coronagraph – K. P. Sayamanthula
Cross-Sectional Properties of Coronal Loops and Their Implications – H. Winter III
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
Chair: P. Testa
11:00 12:30 Invited: Observations of flows in active-region loops: as a response to coronal heating – H. Hara
Non-Gaussian coronal spectral lines profiles in active region cores – L. Dolla
Core and Wing Densities of Asymmetric Coronal Spectral Profiles: Implications for the Mass Supply of the Solar Corona – S. Patsourakos
12:30 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 15:00 Density of active region outflows derived from Fe XIV 264/274 – N. Kitagawa
Invited: HXR observations of non-flaring active regions and coronal loops – I. Hannah
15:00 16:30 Posters session / Coffee Break
Session 3: Connection of the different layers of the atmosphere
Chair: S. Parenti
16:30 17:30 Invited: Modeling the energetics and dynamics of the outer solar atmosphere – V. Hansteen
Asymmetries in Coronal Emission Lines and their Emission Measure – D. Tripathi
19:00 Conference Dinner
Thursday, June 27
Session 3: Connection of the different layers of the atmosphere
Chair: S. Parenti
9:00 9:50 A coupled model for the formation of active region corona – F. Chen
Multidimensional modeling of coronal rain dynamics – X. Fang
Session 4: Energy release in the corona
Chair: H. Peter
9:50 10:30 Invited: Recent advances in theory and modelling of coronal wave heating – I. De Moortel
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 12:30 Statistical analysis of several hours period intensity pulsations in the solar corona over cycle 23 and possible interpretations – F. Auchère
Seismological determination of the physical parameters that govern wave dissipation time and spatial scales – I. Arregui
A self-consistent model of Alfven wave phase mixing – G. Kiddie
Toward self-consistent 3D MHD modeling of the heating of a twisted coronal loop – F. Reale
12:30 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 15:45 Invited: The Heating of Solar Coronal Loops – A. van Ballegooijen
Heating frequency in active region cores as observed in AIA Fe XVIII images – I. Ugarte-Urra
Can Long Nanoflare Storms or Uniform Steady Heating Models Match the EIS Intensity Ratios in Active Region Cores? - S. Ripperda
Combining particle acceleration and coronal heating via data-constrained calculations of nanoflares in coronal loops – C. Gontikakis
15:45 16:30 Posters session / Coffee Break / End of the meeting
Friday, June 28
@ 7:45, 8:45, 10:45, 11:45 Shuttle busses from Conference center to Railway station