Eighth European Space Weather Week November 28 - December 02, 2011 - Namur, Belgium |
Splinter - Integration of Solar System e-Infrastructures and Science M. Messerotti (INAF/COST ES0803), R.D. Bentley (Univ. College London) Friday, Dec 2, 14:00-16:00 This splinter meeting is open to the whole community and it is aimed at serving as a forum for discussing the various aspects relevant to the integration and interoperability of existing e-infrastructures developed for handling solar system data. This is the goal of the EC FP7 Project CASSIS (Coordination Action for the integration of Solar System e- Infrastructures and Science; http://cassis-vo.eu ), which has been involving HELIO (Heliophysics Integrated Observatory; http://www.helio-vo.eu), Europlanet RI (http://www.europlanet-ri.eu ), and SOTERIA (SOlar-TErrestrial Investigations and Archives; http://soteria-space.eu). The inputs from the community are a key point for a successful achievement of this goal, and an open discussion can provide an effective opportunity. Back to the splinters-page. | ||