Eighth European Space Weather Week
November 28 - December 02, 2011 - Namur, Belgium

Tutorial: Space Weather Bites
Space Weather, it seems trivial: the science behind it and its applications. But it isn't. Space Weather is a complex phonomenon involving many areas. Even if you are into the subject, you can come to new insights of the basics.
The tutorial will be given on the first day of the meeting. This will be geared towards students, young scientists/engineers and people new to the field, but all are welcome to attend.

This year we will adapt a new format: a small introduction, a series of short workshop, Q&A with a panel of the workshop conveners.

The 5 workshops are:
Worst Case Scenario - GICsAlan Thompson
HelioviewerDaniel Mueller
Modelling and Validity of ModelsStefaan Poedts
This workshop will contain a presentation of the different mathematical models used for describing plasma dynamics, viz. the single particle model, the kinetic theory and the fluid or continuum description. The assumptions and thus eligibility of each of these models will be discussed and the application of the models will be illustrated by a few examples.
Space Weather: concreteChristophe Marqué

09:30-09:50 Let me introduce you - Space Weather Jean Lilensten Plenary Felicien ROPS
09:50-10:10 Worst Case Scenario - GICS Alan Thompson Plenary Felicien ROPS
10:10-10:30 Modelling and Validity of Models Stefaan Poedts Plenary Felicien ROPS
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:00 20 min Workshops - You rotate from 1 workshop to the other
HelioviewerDaniel MuellerPlenary Felicien ROPS
Space Weather: concreteChristophe MarquéRoom Rene Margritte
12:00-12:20 Q&A Petra Vanlommel Plenary Felicien ROPS
12:20-12:30 Wrap up - Rocket Quiz Petra Vanlommel Plenary Felicien ROPS

The Space Weather Bites is the result of a collaboration between partners from
  • K.U.Leuven, CPA, Belgium
  • SES Astra, Luxembourg
  • SOTERIA project, EU
  • STCE, Belgium
  • U.C.L., Belgium
  • University of Liège, Belgium
  • eHEROES project, EU.

Monday Nov 28, 2011: 09:30 - 12:30
Following the Space Weather Bites , the participants are offered a free sandwich lunch.
Registration is FREE but necessary. Participation in the ESWW8 is NOT necessary. It is also possible to come only for the tutorial: you don't have to follow the whole procedure of registering.In that case, please send a mail to petra.vanlommel at oma.be .