Eighth European Space Weather Week
November 28 - December 02, 2011 - Namur, Belgium

Splinter sessions

A key part of the European Space Weather Weeks are the splinter meetings, open to all participants. These meetings provide the opportunity for interested participants to meet in smaller groups and address key issues in a style that compliments the open format of the plenary sessions. A diverse range of splinters complement the main sessions.
These meetings take the form of working meetings with reports produced and actions taken by the participants. Time during the ESWW8 schedule will be set aside for all splinter meeting convenors to report the main conclusions of the meetings to the full workshop.

DateTime Plenary-Felicien ROPS
312 pax
Room H. Michaux
110 pax
Room R. Margritte
60 pax
Room A. Grumiaux
20 pax
Monday, Nov 2809:00-10:30
Tutorial-Space Weather Bites*
P. Vanlommel (STCE/COST ES0803)
Forecaster Forum
L. Trichtchenko (NRCan)
Monday, Nov 2811:00-12:30 Tutorial-Space Weather Bites
P. Vanlommel (STCE/COST ES0803)
Forecaster Forum
L. Trichtchenko (NRCan)
Tutorial-Space Weather Bites
P. Vanlommel (STCE/COST ES0803)
A. Viljanen (FMI)
Tuesday, Nov 2914:00-16:00 Session 2 Working Meeting
P. Chiarini (REA), A. Hilgers (ESA), M. Ljungqvist (EC)
Observations and measurements of the first solar and geomagnetic events of Solar Cycle 24
P. Nieminen (ESA), D. Pitchford (SES Astra), H. Evans (ESA)
Interoperability in e-infrastructures to support space weather e-science
A. Belehaki(NOA/COST ES0803), M. Hapgood (RAL/STFC-COST ES0803)
Climatology and Long Term Changes of the Ionosphere
N. Bergeot (STCE)
Tuesday, Nov 2916:30-18:30 Session 2 Working Meeting
P. Chiarini (REA), A. Hilgers (ESA), M. Ljungqvist (EC)
Advances in the Validation of Space Weather Models and Follow on Actions
I. Tsagouri (NOA), P. Wintoft (IRF/COST ES0803), D. Heynderickx (DH Consultancy/COST ES0803)
Space Weather Effects on Humans in Space and on Earth
N. Crosby (BIRA-IASB), T. Breus (Space Research Institute RAS)
First Results of the SX5 Project
T. Schueler, O. Oladipo(Uni. FAF)
Wednesday, Nov 3014:00-16:00 SWWT
N. Crosby (BIRA-IASB)
Thursday, Dec 0114:00-16:00 Stakeholder Discussion on Protecting Satellite by Modelling High Energy Charged Particles
R. Horne (British Antarctic Survey, UK), N. Crosby (BIRA-IASB), S. Benck (UCL), J. Cabrera (CSR)
A. Belehaki (NOA/COST ES0803)
Ionospheric Effects Topical Group
J.P. Luntama (ESA)
Atmospheric Effects Topical Group
S. Bruinsma (CNES)
Thursday, Dec 0116:30-18:30 Spacecraft Aircraft and Launcher Topical Group
S. McKenna (STIL)
A. Belehaki (NOA/COST ES0803)
SOTERIA, First Results and Future
G. Lapenta (KULeuven)
EOEM Topical Group
N. Crosby (BIRA-IASB)
Friday, Dec 0214:00-16:00 Integration of Solar System e-Infrastructures and Science
M. Messerotti (INAF/COST ES0803), R.D. Bentley (Univ. College London)
* Please note that the Space Weather Bites - tutorial starts only at 09:30 and not at 09:00!

The PROBA2-team organises a splinter on Tuesday Nov 29 - 12:30-18:00, room Paul Bury. The meeting is fully open for everybody interested in the science results of SWAP and LYRA. Please, have a look at the preliminary agenda. Anyone interested to bring an oral contribution is invited to contact swap_lyra at oma.be