Eighth European Space Weather Week
November 28 - December 02, 2011 - Namur, Belgium

Splinter - SOTERIA: first results and future
G. Lapenta (KULeuven)
Thursday, Dec 1, 16:30-18:30
The study of space weather requires the coordinated use of models and observational input from ground observatories and from satellite data. Three FP7 projects, Soteria, Swiff and eHeroes, coordinated at KU Leuven in Belgium and involving many groups in several countries, bring together the required needs. This splinter will describe the past achievements of Soteria on forming databases of space weather interest, and their link to other european and american databases. Soteria has officially ended but eHeroes will continue many of its aims. The splinter will engage in a conversation with the end users and the space weather experts on the goals and methods used by Soteria and their relevance to the wider community. Looking forward, the splinter will discuss the goals of eHeroes and the interaction with the modelling work of Swiff.

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