
NOAA 3088: the sequel (UPDATED)

Two weeks after its flaring departure over the solar west limb, active region NOAA 3088 has returned near the southeast limb.

The STCE in 2020

Better late than never, the STCE Annual Report 2020 is now available.

Broccoli, anyone?...

Two relatively large sunspot groups dominated the overall solar activity last week, with active region NOAA 3088 the source of some spectacular flaring events.

An outstanding prominence

A prominence rotating over the northeast solar limb reached an apparent height of well over 100.000 km on 4 August.


A 370.000 km long filament erupted near the Sun's central meridian shortly after noon on 15 July.

Four flavors of a solar eruption

Late on 8 July, an eruption took place in sunspot region NOAA 3053. Using SWHV, an animated mosaic was created showing the flaring event in various wavelengths thus highlighting different features of this long-duration eruption.

The latest sunspot numbers

Sunspot numbers have been waxing and waning over the last few months following closely the 27-days solar rotation period. The higher sunspot numbers coincide with a long-lasting, more active portion on the solar disk.

Congratulations, Dr Talpeanu!

On 20 June, 2022 Dana-Camelia Talpeanu successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘Numerical and Observational Study of Stealth and Consecutive Coronal Mass Ejections’.

Save the date: Open Days

The Belgian Space Pole will open its gates on September 24th and 25th!

A filament's bright rim

A filament started to stretch itself to several 100.000 km in length from 15 June onwards. The filament's base was adorned by a bright rim.



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