
Solar Eclipse Challenge

swap solar eclipse contest image

The hidden message in PROBA2/SWAP solar eclipse image revealed. 

Geomagnetic storm

A minor geomagnetic storm was recorded late on 15 June. Ongoing solar cycle 25 is -so far- somewhat more effective in producing geomagnetic storms than its predecessor.

Small flare, spectacular eruption!

On 9 June, a small flare from a region behind the northwest solar limb was accompanied by a spectacular eruption.

The best of... 2020!

A  compilation  of  the  most  memorable  space  weather  moments  of  2020, featuring data, links and movies.

Solar eclipse!

The solar eclipse of 10 June can be followed live online with the USET solar telescopes. As seen from Belgium, it will be a partial eclipse.

Quo Vadis ESWC: Registration open!

Registration to vote on the future organization of the European Space Weather Community is now open!

Eclipse challenge

Our telescope SWAP onboard PROBA2 will broadcast the solar eclipse of 10 June together with hidden messages. Do your own Poirot image processing to discover more about SWAP's personality and win a VIP treatment on the PROBA2 premises.

First proton event of SC25

The first proton event of solar cycle 25 (SC25) took place on 29 May. It is the first such event since 10-11 September 2017.

A festival of M-class flares

On 22 May, no less than 10 C-class and 2 M-class flares were registered, followed by another 4 C- and 1 M-class events during the subsequent day. The source of all this flaring activity was modest sunspot region NOAA 2824 in the northern solar hemisphere.

Topical Issue on "Ionospheric scintillations" for JSWSC

The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) has opened a new Topical Issue on "Towards better understanding of the ionospheric plasma irregularities and scintillations"to appear in 2021/2022.



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