
Science results from SolO's cruise phase

Astronomy & Astrophysics has just published a Special Issue with 50+ papers highlighting the most important discoveries and observations made by Solar Orbiter during its cruise phase.

Celebrating SWAP's first glimpse of the Sun

Twelve years ago today, on 14 december 2009, the SWAP EUV telescope onboard the PROBA2 satellite laid its eye on the sun for the first time. After the nerve-racking procedure of opening the instrument door and taking this first image, PROBA2 operators and scientists waited impatiently for this first image to be downloaded from the satellite.

Antarctic Eclipse Observations

While the penguins were gazing at the total eclipse on December 4, the instruments onboard the PROBA2 satellite worked overtime to image and measure not one, but four passages of the moon in front of the sun. One of these occultations was nearly total for the SWAP EUV imager: as much as 96% of the solar disk was covered by the moon during the second passage

EUHFORIA predicts the Antarctic Solar Eclipse

Scientists run the EUHFORIA computer programme to have a preview of the solar eclipse of December 4. A chance to check their calculations. Fingers crossed and certainly ask the penguins.

Antarctic Solar Eclipse

Let’s hope the penguins have their eclipse glasses ready. They will form most of the crowd in the Antarctic that will be able to witness a total solar eclipse on December 4. As always, the LYRA and SWAP instruments on PROBA2 are ready to observe this spectacle from their sun-synchronous orbit around Earth.

An exit in style

NOAA 2891 produced a photogenic solar eruption late on 9 November, while it was already well behind the northwest solar limb.The event was accompanied by an interesting feature, the so-called Supra Arcade Downflows (SADs).

The Day After...

The arrival and subsequent passage of a potent ICME late on 3 November left its mark on the evolution of energetic particles in the magnetosphere. Also the number of cosmic rays dipped sharply, but briefly.

Belgian K-index monitoring geomagnetic disturbances

K_Bel, location of the observatories
K_Bel graph
K_Bel, people
K_Bel, group picture

We proudly present K_Bel: a new, local K-index to monitor the variations in the Earth magnetic field. It is based on data from two independent magnetometers located in the magnetic observatories of Belgium: Dourbes and Manhay. 


Topical Issue on "Radiation impact during space missions" for JSWSC

JSWSC has opened a new Topical Issue "Advances in space weather forecasting and in the assessment of radiation impact during space missions".

Topical Issue on "Ionospheric interactions" for JSWSC

JSWSC has opened a new Topical Issue "Tackling ionospheric interactions and their impact on radio systems at the dawn of Solar Cycle 25".



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