
The STCE in 2018

The STCE Annual Report is now available, covering again a wide variety of research topics as well as typical examples of life at the STCE.

A new Topical Issue for the SWSC Journal

The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) has opened a new Topical Issue entitled "Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms: a Geomagnetically Induced Current perspective".

Two sunspot groups from the new solar cycle

On 24 December, 2 sunspot regions of the new solar cycle (SC25) were visible on the solar disk at the same time.


The Sun has been spotless for more than 33 days, longer than the longest spotless stretch of the previous solar cycle minimum.

A cat between the pigeons

The appearance of sunspot region NOAA 2749 ended a 27 day stretch of spotless days.

A new Topical Issue for the SWSC Journal

The Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) has opened a new Topical Issue entitled "Space climate: The past and future of solar activity".

The magnificent "7"

A recurrent coronal hole shaped as the number "7" was associated with very high wind speeds up to 750 km/s, resulting in unusually high numbers of energetic electrons in the earth environment.

Deep is the minimum...

A new long spotless stretch, very low observed values of the solar radio flux, and very high values for the cosmic rays flux: Clearly we are walking through the valley of the solar cycle minimum.


Still in complete awe, we have to bring terrible news: Anne Vandersyppe, our Anne, died on July 31, 2019.

Are we there yet?...

A comparison of the current monthly solar radio flux values with those from previous solar cycle transits suggests that the next solar cycle minimum may take place during the summer of 2019.



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