
Cruising the solar cycle minimum

A spotless stretch of 18 days and a new (but unnumbered) sunspot region from the new solar cycle have emphasized once again we're transiting the solar cycle minimum.

New records for the Parker Solar Probe

The Parker Solar Probe has now the records for closest approach to the Sun by a human-made object, and it is also the fastest-ever human-made object relative to the Sun.

Extremely severe geomagnetic storms

The under-performance of solar cycle 24 in terms of very strong geomagnetic activity is illustrated with a few new charts.

Open Doors 2018: an impression

A few pictures capturing the STCE activities during the Open Doors 2018.

Just one year ago: Remembering NOAA 2673

Just one year ago, sunspot group NOAA 2673 was the source of a surge in solar activity. The complex region set numerous records for this solar cycle, and was responsible for some important space weather effects.

Strong geomagnetic storm

A strong geomagnetic storm that was observed on 26 August turns out to be the third strongest of the ongoing solar cycle.

NOAA 2720 belongs to the old solar cycle 24

Despite its reversed magnetic polarity, sunspot group NOAA 2720 still belongs to the old and ongoing solar cycle 24.

Parker Solar Probe en route to the Sun

On 12 August, the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Its main science goals are to trace the flow of energy and understand the heating of the solar corona and to explore what accelerates the solar wind.

Spectacular solar eruptions during SC24

In preparation for the Open Door days at the Space Pole on 29 and 30 September, a movie has been created with some of the most spectacular solar eruptions that occurred during solar cycle 24.

Cosmic rays

An international team of scientists has found the first evidence of a source of high-energy cosmic neutrinos, pointing to a long-sought cosmic ray accelerator. Meanwhile, neutron counts from cosmic rays are on the rise again.



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