
On spotless stretches

A small sunspot observed on 21 July may end the currently longest interval without sunspots observed so far during this solar cycle transition.

Pores or sunspots?

Some sunspots tried to develop in a relatively large faculae field.

CMEs and their stories

Some of last week's observed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) had an interesting story to tell.

The Annie Maunder Astrographic Telescope

The Royal Observatory of Greenwich has installed four new state-of-the-art telescopes (AMAT), destined for both researchers and the broad public.

The best of... 2017!

A  compilation  of  the  most  memorable  space  weather  moments  of  2017, featuring data, links and movies.

Proton aurora... on Mars

Scientists from the STCE have contributed to a research programme that has detected -for the first time- proton aurora on Mars. They used data gathered during the period 2004-2011 by the SPICAM ultraviolet spectrometer on board of ESA's Mars Express.

A sunspot region with ambition

Sunspot region NOAA 2172 announced itself with dynamic coronal loops towering over the solar limb, and has produced already 2 C-class flares.

ROB has a field trip!

The personnel of the Royal Observatory visited its research facilities in the caves of Rochefort/Lorette and at the observatory of Humain.

ASGARD: balloons for science

School kids propose and develop experiments that are then launched into the stratosphere with a weather balloon from the RMI.

The amazing coronal holes

The size and location of coronal holes are intimately related to the phase of the solar cycle, continuously giving the solar corona a different outlook in EUV over the last 10 years.



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