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Space Weather Education Center
Work Package
Aerts Wim
GNSS-based Atmospheric Modelling and 4-D Tomography
Assessment & mitigation of atmospheric effects on high precision GNSS applications
Baire Quentin
GNSS-based Atmospheric Modelling and 4-D Tomography
Assessment & mitigation of atmospheric effects on high precision GNSS applications
Bali Sami
Solar irradiance studies for climate change
BenMoussa Ali
Space Technology & Calibration Laboratories (STCL)
Bergeot Nicolas
GNSS-based Atmospheric Modelling and 4-D Tomography
Assesment & mitigation of atmospheric effects on high precision GNSS applications
Synergy between GNSS-based and other SW products
Berghmans David
SIDC space weather services (RWC+WDC)
Bolsee David
Space Technology & Calibration Laboratories (STCL)
Bruyninx Carine
GNSS-based Atmospheric Modelling and 4-D Tomography (PL)
Assesment & mitigation of atmospheric effects on high precision GNSS applications
Synergy between GNSS-based and other SW products
Bulcke Johan
Data and HPC support (PL)
Hard-and software support (PL)
Storage facilities (punctual tasks) (PL)
Burston Robert
GNSS-based Atmospheric Modelling and 4-D Tomography
Assesment & mitigation of atmospheric effects on high precision GNSS applications
Chevalier Andre
Solar irradiance studies for climate change
Chevalier Jean-Marie
GNSS-based Atmospheric Modelling and 4-D Tomography
Clette Frederic
Ground-based solar instruments
Conscience Christian
Solar irradiance studies for climate change
Crosby Norma
Fundamental Science (PL)
De Backer Hugo
Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation (PL)
Defraigne Pascale
GNSS-based Atmospheric Modelling and 4-D Tomography
Assesment & mitigation of atmospheric effects on high precision GNSS applications (PL)
Synergy between GNSS-based and other SW products
Dehant Veronique
Synergy between GNSS-based and other SW products (PL)
De Keyser Johan
Observations and models of the Earth's magnetosphere (PL)
Participating in experiments (PL)
Delcloo Andy
Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation
De Mazière Martine
Radiative transfer (PL)
Dewitte Steven
Solar irradiance studies for climate change (PL)
D'Huys Elke
SIDC space weather services (RWC+WDC)
Dolla Laurent
Solar Atmosphere Studies
Gamby Emmanuel
Observations and models of the Earth's magnetosphere
Participating in experiments
Gillotay Didier
Measurement of solar UV (PL)
Solar UV index (PL)
Gunell Herbert
Observations and models of the Earth’s magnetosphere
Hochedez Jean-Francois
Advanced Technology for Solar Observations
Janssen Els
Solar irradiance studies for climate change
Janssens Jan
STCE - Cell Coordination
SIDC space weather services (RWC-WDC)
Kochenova Sveltana
Energetic events in the solar corona: coronal heating
Kruglanski Michel
Space Weather services (PL)
Lamy Hervé
Participating in experiments (PL)
Legrand Juliette
GNSS-based Atmospheric Modelling and 4-D Tomography
Assesment & mitigation of atmospheric effects on high precision GNSS applications
Lejeune Sandrine
Monitoring, modelling and forecasting the ionospheric activity
Development of products and services for the users of real time GNSS applications
Lefevre laure
World Data Center for the Sunspot Index
Litefti Karim
Mangold Alexander
Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation
Marque Christophe
Ground-based solar instruments (PL)
Michel Alice
Data Center
Mission Center
Moreau Didier
Data Center (PL)
Mission Center (PL)
Nicula Bogdan
Advanced Technology for Solar Observations
Noel Christian
Data Center
Mission Center
Noel Jean-Philippe
Ground-based solar instruments
Pierrard Joel
Solar irradiance studies for climate change
Pierrard Viviane
Fundamental Science (PL)
Podladchikova Elena
Energetic events in the solar corona: coronal heating (PL)
Pottiaux Eric
GNSS-based Atmospheric Modelling and 4-D Tomography
Ranvier Sylvain
Participating in experiments
Raynal Sophie
Robbrecht Eva
SIDC space weather services (RWC+WDC) (PL)
Rodriguez Luciano
Solar Atmosphere Studies
Stankov Stanimir
Monitoring, modelling and forecasting the ionospheric activity
Van der Linden Ronald
Coordination - General Manager
Visiting Fellow Program
Vanlommel Petra
SIDC space weather services (RWC-WDC)
VanMalderen Roeland
Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation
Vermeulen Nancy
Solar irradiance studies for climate change
Voitenko Yuriy
Fundamental Science
Warnant Rene
Monitoring, modelling and forecasting the ionospheric activity (PL)
Development of products and services for the users of real time GNSS applications (PL)
Wauters Laurence
SIDC space weather services (RWC+WDC)
West Matthew
Solar Atmosphere Studies
Willems Sarah
SIDC space weather services (RWC+WDC)
Zhukov Andrei
Solar Atmosphere Studies (PL)
Submitted by BB on Thu, 2016/03/10 - 20:08
STCE cursus: Inleiding tot het ruimteweer
2025/03/17 - 08:45
2025/03/18 - 17:00
STCE lecture 'From physics to forecasting'
2025/03/24 -
STCE Space Weather Introductory Course
2025/04/28 - 08:45
2025/04/30 - 16:00
STCE course: Space Weather impacts on Aviation - online
2025/05/26 - 14:30
2025/05/27 - 17:30
STCE Space Weather Introductory Course
2025/06/23 - 08:45
2025/06/25 - 16:00
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