David Bolsée will present the the MAJIS/JUICE project on Friday March 26, 2 PM. The webex link is provided below.
Title: BIRA-IASB involvement in the MAJIS/JUICE project
Abstract: MAJIS (Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer) is part of the science payload of the ESA L-Class mission JUICE (Jupiter ICy Moons Explorer) to be launched in 2022. MAJIS will perform imaging spectroscopy through two channels: VIS-NIR (0.50 μm - 2.35 μm) and IR (2.25 μm - 5.54 μm). It is one of the key instrument that will perform for at least three years (after arrival near Jupiter in 2030) detailed observations of the whole Jovian system. The Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB) and the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) are involved to perform the characterization of the flight (FM) and spare (SM) models VIS-NIR detectors. A new facility had to be designed, assembled and validated in the laboratory of BIRA-IASB. The objectives were to allow a full electro-optic characterization of the MAJIS VIS-NIR detectors under vacuum, specific temperature range (125 K - 144 K), different illumination conditions and to provide absolute radiometric scale (for QE measurements). A highly efficient security system was developed to protect the detectors. We will describe the optical and thermal-vacuum performances of the facility, as well as the preliminary result analyses of the FM characterization campaign that took place between June and September 2020.
Webex-link: https://bira-iasb.webex.com/bira-iasb/j.php?MTID=m98f4e6fb6ff500a15c7b8f8518c52acc