Flavours of sessions

We have 3 flavours of sessions:
- Service Domain Plenary (green) sessions;
- Parallel (red) Science and Research sessions (R&S);
- Parallel (red) Open sessions (Open);
Information on how to become involved in the organisation of sessions is included below.
The PC encourages session conveners to recognise the diversity of the space weather community and the wider
public when selecting session speakers and panellists.
Service Domain Plenary sessions
We plan to hold plenary sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. Each plenary shall highlight a
particular service domain, such as GNSS, Ground systems, aircraft, and spacecraft, and focuses on end users,
services and research related to that particular service domain.
The oral part of a plenary session takes 1h 30'. The number of posters is unlimited
end user part covers end-user space weather impacts, user experience in using specific space weather products
and services in the user production and mitigation chain, and user requirements for new or improved space weather services.
services part covers new developments in space weather operations or services, best practice in transitioning research to operations and verification activities.
If you are interested in co-convening a plenary session, you submit
1 - your name, affiliation
2 - the service domain
3 - a short bio (single paragraph) detailing relevant aspects of your background.
The PC will select the best mix on the conveners (max. 2) for each plenary session.
A PC member may be
added as a 3rd convener for any session at the discretion of the PC. The selected set of conveners will
formulate the session abstract together.
Parallel Science and Research sessions
We foresee 16 time slots of 1h 15' for the oral part of
the Science and Research sessions distributed between the 6 key space weather topics:
- S&R[1] Solar Corona and Heliosphere
- S&R[2] Challenges in Space Weather Forecasting
- S&R[3] Space Weather Instrumentation
- S&R[4] Geomagnetic Storms
- S&R[5] Radiation Environments
- S&R[6] Thermosphere and Ionosphere
The time slots shall be distributed on the basis of abstract submissions to the sessions and similar
sessions in previous years with a minimum of 2 slots per topic.
Each time slot can accommodate a maximum of 5 orals.
The number of posters is unlimited.
If you want to convene a parallel Science and Research session, you submit
1 - a list of maximum 2 conveners, i.e. you and a second person
2 - the topic (from the above list of 1-6)
3 - a session abstract linked to the topic of your choice
Proposals for parallel sessions abstracts should include some focus on applications of the results of research presented.
The PC decides on the final abstract for all parallel sessions and on the conveners (max 2).
A PC member may be added as a 3rd convener for any session at the discretion of the PC.
The PC might decide that sessions get an extra time slot based on the number of submissions.
Parallel 100% community driven or Open sessions
We foresee 8 time slots of 1h 15' for the oral part of open sessions to be distributed (nominally) between 6 selected abstracts.
The time slots shall be distributed on the basis of abstract submissions to the sessions.
Each time slot can accommodate a maximum of 5 orals.
The number of posters is unlimited.
If you want to convene an open session, you submit
1 - a list of maximum 2 conveners, i.e. you and a second person
2 - a session title
3 - a session abstract
Proposals for parallel sessions abstracts should include some focus on applications of the results of research presented.
The PC decides on the final abstracts and on the conveners (max 2).
The appraisal of submitted Open sessions will be more positive where care is taken to avoid overlap
with the other sessions - Science & Research and Plenary - and to offer something different.
A PC member may be added as a 3rd convener for any session at the discretion of the PC.
The PC might decide that sessions get an extra time slot based on the number of submissions.