
A day on the Sun

A filament eruption and the emergence of a new sunspot group were the main solar events on 14 June.

Space Weather Medals

Who will win the 2017 International Space Weather Medals? Nominate your candidates. 

Works in progress!...

EUI, SPADE and SUVI are just a few of important space weather projects that are currently being tested on ground or in orbit.

Impressive solar eruption

On 18 April, active region NOAA 2651 produced an impressive solar eruption.

Airplane transits the Sun!

On 28 March, USET solar telescopes captured stunning images of a plane transiting the Sun.

M-class flares à volonté!

On 1 April, the Sun produced its first M-class flare since 29 November 2016. It was the first of a series of 7 M-class flares produced by active region NOAA 2644.

C-class flares at last!

Late on 26 March, the GOES-15 satellite recorded its first C-class flare since 24 February.

A good catch

The officially recordholder of catching non-existing flares works at the STCE. He works at the source of the solar data and 'saw' them first.

Sleeping Beauty

On 21 March, a tiny spot near the Sun's east limb marked the end of a spotless stretch that started on 6 March.


The annual CHARM meeting took place at the ROB on 10 March.



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