
A loooong filament

A movie of the transit of the filament and its almost eruption on 04 February 2015 in both H-alpha and EUV is available here.

Leaving on a jet

A comet’s tale

Over the last few weeks, sky gazers have been enjoying a relatively bright and colorful comet in the northern skies. Comet Lovejoy, named after its discoverer Terry Lovejoy (Australia), has been the source of many beautiful pictures that can be admired on the web (see e.g. comet gallery).

Lovely curves

During the morning hours of 13 January, a rather strong M-class flare took place in active region NOAA 2257, close to the northwest limb. This sunspot group seemed deceptively simple, but harboured some opposite magnetic polarity spots close to each other. That's a configuration that often results in a flare.

The curious case of a strong storm

On 7 January, a strong geomagnetic storm (Kp=7; see the NOAA scales) was observed. The solar wind magnetic field turned southward with maximum values of -21 nT, which is even a bit stronger than the 12 September storm from last year (-18 nT; see this news item).

Fireworks in the sky!

Well, maybe it was a bit late to spectacularly launch the New Year, but at least in the northern part of the Netherlands some faint but colorful polar light could be seen low above the northern horizon on 4 January around 18:00UT. The aurora didn't last long, barely 10 minutes, but Vincent van Leijen still managed to snap this great picture.

The best of ... 2014!

In its New Year's letter for 2014, the Sun promised great solar activity to come. True to its word, sunspot numbers reached a new monthly high in February 2014, probably indicating the maximum of the ongoing solar cycle. Throughout the year, this increased sunspot activity was accompanied by plenty of strong flares, big sunspot groups and geomagnetic unrest.

Cruise the sun-earth system with STAFF

If you are looking for solar, solar wind, and earth environment data at a glance and you want to see them on a timeline, even if you are not a computer expert: STAFF has it all.

Reversed sunspot groups

NOAA 2192: The sequel

With only one more month to go in 2014, huge NOAA 2192 is very probably going to be *the* sunspot group of the year. After its impressive performance just a few weeks ago (see this news item), observers and forecasters were counting down to its re-appearance at the solar east limb. NOAA 2192 obliged by starting its encore performance on 12 November, getting itself a new name: NOAA 2209. Unfortunately, as is sometimes the case with sequels of blockbusters, this group did not live up to the expectations.



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