Submitted on 2021-04-06
Speaker: Thanassis Katsiyannis
Submitted on 2019-02-06
Speaker: Thanassis Katsiyannis
Submitted on 2018-08-08
Speaker: Zbysek Mosna
Submitted on 2018-07-05
Speaker: Jean Lilensten
For the last years, we have been discovering the polarisation of the auroral red line both in the cusp (Svalbard) and in the auroral oval (Skibotn). We have proven that its Degree of Linear Polarisation (DoLP) varies accordingly to the geomagnetic activity. In the last 2 winters, two major steps have been achieved, that will be reported in this contribution.
Submitted on 2018-07-05
Speaker: Hanane Marif
The ionospheric electron population is divided into two groups. The ambient electrons are thermalized. Their energy is usually smaller than one electronvolt. Their densities and temperatures are the usual ones measured by incoherent scatter radars, or modelled by international codes such as IRI.
Submitted on 2017-05-24
Speaker: Cis Verbeeck
As project manager of EUI at ROB, my main task is to coordinate scientific, technical and operational aspects of EUI, including active participation in the EUI Consortium and Solar Orbiter community.
Submitted on 2015-10-23
Speaker: Jan Janssens
Submitted on 2015-05-06
Speaker: Marilena Mierla
LASCO instrument onboard SOHO mission has different filters and polarisers to observe the solar corona. These images are analysed in order to see the differences among them. Aspects like signal to noise, background intensities etc. are detailed and discussed. The work is done in preparation for the PROBA3 mission.
Date: 6 May 2015
Submitted on 2014-10-17
Speaker: Marilena Mierla
In this seminar I will present various 3D reconstruction methods for coronal mass ejections (CMEs).
The most popular one is triangulation (Inhester 2006), using view directions from two spacecraft. The method consists in identifying the same object in a pair of images, by calculating the lines of sight that belong to the respective pixels in the image and back-tracking them into the 3D space.
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