Submitted on 2022-03-31
A class X1.3 solar X-ray flare occurred on 30 March 2022 with peak time 17:37UT. A type II and type IV radio emission were detected at 17:32UT and 17:34UT respectively, indicating an associated CME.
Submitted on 2022-03-30
During the last few days, an increase in sunspot numbers, solar flares and earth-directed CMEs have been observed.
Submitted on 2022-03-22
On 22 March, 5 scientists presented their work to thousands of enthousiastic primary school children from all over Flanders. The STCE had 2 scientists participating.
Submitted on 2022-03-16
NASA has just announced the passing away of Eugene Parker, known for his contributions in the research on the solar wind and coronal heating.
Submitted on 2022-03-15
The CME associated with a long duration event on 10 March impacted the earth enviroment on 13 March and caused a moderate geomagetic storm later that day and early on 14 March.
Submitted on 2022-03-08
An M2 flare erupted in small sunspot region NOAA 2958 on 2 March. The entire fleet of solar satellites was able to record the event.
Submitted on 2022-03-04
Le Comité de Direction du SPP Politique scientifique, s’associe aux nombreux messages de soutien de la communauté scientifique belge et internationale concernant le conflit armé en Ukraine.
Submitted on 2022-03-04
Het Directiecomité van de POD Wetenschapsbeleid, sluit zich aan bij de talrijke steunbetuigingen van de Belgische en internationale wetenschappelijke gemeenschap in verband met het gewapend conflict in Oekraïne.
Submitted on 2022-03-04
The Management Committee of Belspo, joins the numerous expressions of support from the Belgian and international scientific community regarding the armed conflict in Ukraine.
Submitted on 2022-03-02
Space-based observations reveal amazing features of the spectacular far-side solar eruption that occurred on 15 February.
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