Ladies and gentlemen, fellow countrymen and foreign travellers from abroad alike, hear here, as what you will learn will astound you with bafflement, and astonish your amazingness. You can forget about the new recipe of nuttella®! You can forget about the new clothes of empress Barbarella!
If you want, you can remember one little kiss from lady Fitzgerald Ella, but stand back in awe and be amazed by the one and only real live demonstration of the unparelleled planeterrella.
Based on the original hand made design by 7-fold Nobel prize nominee Kristian Olaf Bernhard Birkeland the man himself, and improved upon over several decades using the fundamental laws of physics by internationally renowned scientists and engineers, this wonderous and mind blowing machine was built by professional technicians and grad students.
After an absence of over seven years from the venerable venue of European Space Weather Week, the planeneterella machine device has returned to the public scene with even better nottingness for vacuum, and an even purer blend of 100% recycled electrons exciting genuinely vintage oxygen that actually has been breathed by Professor Birkeland himself, all enveloped in an undestructible 3D see-through container of King Kong glass kindly provided to you by our Silicon Dioxide sponsor Philip Glass Industries Ltd.
The photonic glow produced by the one and only planeterrella can be seen visibly during the Fair on Wednesday from 17:00 until 18:30 in the Ensor room. Masters of ceremony are
deejay "J" Lilensten and Pål "Ice-Ice" Brekke.
Not for the faint hearted!