Poster Presenters' Corner
You can present your poster live at one of the two Poster Presenters' Corners in the coffee area *
during the poster sessions.
How do you subscribe?
Each day, a paper will be hung up in the neighborhood of the Poster Presenter Corners each morning at 8:30.
When you have a poster contribution to a session which takes place that day and you want to use
a Poster Presenters' Corner, you write your name + the subject in one 10 min time slot.
In each Poster Presenters' Corner, the following is provided:
- One TV screen with VGA and HDMI connections.
- One VGA and one HDMI cable to connect your laptop to the TV screen.
- Electrical power outlet.
- One table for the TV screen and your laptop.
- A paper to subscribe.
- Connection try-out at 8:30 every day, except on Monday, at 12:30.
- Technical assistance to connect your laptop to the TV screen during the poster sessions.
- A device that keeps the time to alert/stop you when the 10 min have passed.
You have to make sure that you come on time and test the connection beforehand during the reserved try-out period.
Bring a screen adapter if needed (from your PC connector to VGA or HDMI).
* Luckily, the coffee area is not oval.

This is an example of a corner - attention, do not use the one on top.
For one more silly corner joke, click