Session 8 - Space Systems Engineering: Space Climate Modelling and the Effects of Severe Space Weather Events

Eamonn Daly (European Space Agency); Richard Horne (British Antarctic Survey); Daniel Heynderickx (DH Consultancy); Hugh Evans (European Space Agency); Dave Pitchford (SES), Nigel Meredith (British Antarctic Survey); F. Lei (RadMod Research)
Wednesday 29/11, 9:45 - 13:00

KEYWORDS - Radiation belts; extreme events; spacecraft; radiation effects; charging; space climate

Satellite engineering standards include methods for specification of space climate (e.g. radiation and plasma environments, and their variability). These should be updated to reflect new data analyses and improved. understanding. This session will discuss space climate model improvements, particularly related to extreme (Carrington-type) events, and also those resulting from improved analyses of radiation belts from LEO to GEO. Effects on space systems, and their trends, will also be presented.

Poster Viewing
From Monday noon to Wednesday morning

Wednesday November 29, 09:45 - 11:00, Delvaux
Wednesday November 29, 11:45 - 13:00, Delvaux

Click here to toggle abstract display in the schedule

Talks : Time schedule

Wednesday November 29, 09:45 - 11:00, Delvaux
09:45Methodology and Data Sources for Assessing Extreme Space Weather Events Parker, L et al.Oral
10:05Extreme relativistic electron fluxes in the Earth's outer radiation belt: Analysis of INTEGRAL IREM dataMeredith, N et al.Oral
10:20Extreme events in the Earth’s electron radiation beltsGlauert, S et al.Oral
10:40Low energy electron radiation environment for extreme eventsGanushkina, N et al.Oral

Wednesday November 29, 11:45 - 13:00, Delvaux
11:45Analysis of internal charging processes in extreme MEO electron environmentPaulmier, T et al.Invited Oral
12:10First results from the Timepix radiation monitor in Low Earth OrbitGohl, S et al.Oral
12:30The AE9/AP9 Radiation and Plasma environment modelsO'brien, P et al.Invited Oral


1Environment conditions during the surface-charging anomaly of the two geosynchronous satellites reported: TELSTAR 401 and Galaxy 15Saiz, E et al.e-Poster
2The Project “Universat” of the System of Small Satellites for Monitoring of the Space ThreatsPopova, E et al.e-Poster
3Solar Particle Events of September 2017: Multi-Spacecraft Observations and Space System EffectsJiggens, P et al.e-Poster
4New integrated pre-processing chain for radiations and internal charging analysis to model time variations impacts on space systemsChamplain, A et al.p-Poster
5Statistical modelling of solar flare extremesTsiftsi, T et al.p-Poster
6Extreme value theory for the study of electron fluxes in the radiation belts: Observations from ICARE-NG/CARMEN-1, SAC-DLanabere, V et al.p-Poster
7Empirical model of galactic cosmic ray particle fluxes based on the experimental data in solar cycles 21–24 Popova, E et al.p-Poster
8Space Environment Automated Alerts & Anomaly Analysis Assistant (SEA5)Boblitt, J et al.p-Poster
9Statistical study of DMSP surface-charging events over one solar cycleMeng, X et al.p-Poster
10Differences and similarities in relativistic electron fluxes dynamics during two large geomagnetic storms in 2015Kalegaev, V et al.p-Poster
11Variation of high-energy electron’s flux at geostationary orbit and its correlation with space weather characteristicsProtopopov, G et al.p-Poster
12Long-term modeling of the ring current and radiation belt electron dynamics with the VERB-4D codeAseev, N et al.p-Poster
13Extreme Events and Extreme EnergiesShprits, Y et al.p-Poster
14Radiation hazards and mitigation for M5 ESCAPE De keyser, J et al.p-Poster
15PROBA-V/EPT data products for improved LEO radiation belt understandingBorisov, S et al.p-Poster