
Picture of the week

An erupting filament imaged by the Earth-orbiting TRACE satellite on July 19. The filament measures over 100,000 kilometers in height, so that the entire Earth could easily fit into its outstretched arms. Gas in the filament is funneled by the complex and changing magnetic field of the Sun. After lifting off from the Sun's surface, most of the filamentary gas will eventually fall back. More powerful solar eruptions emit particles that reach the Earth and can disrupt manmade satellites.

Aurora Borealis visible in Belgium 6-7 April 2000

Geomagnetic storm

In the night of 6 to 7 April 2000, the northern light or aurora was seen throughout all Belgium. The Solar Influences Data Center (Royal Observatory of Belgium) was flooded by telephones and emails from people in Gent, Limburg, Brussels and Liège who saw moving bands in colours varying from red-orange to purple. Good viewing of the event was enhanced by open and clear skies as well as a slender crescent moon.



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