Session 9 - Satellite observations of the thermosphere-ionosphere contributing to Space Weather products and forecasting capabilities

Guram Kervalishvili (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences), Eelco Doornbos (TU Delft)
Wednesday 7/11, 11:15-12:45
MTC 01.03

The session aims to provide the possibility to present and discuss contributions on the use of data from Earth-orbiting satellites making measurements in the thermosphere-ionosphere, to space weather relevant products. Data from LEO satellites can help to provide a global view of space weather variability and is therefore complementary to data from ground-based observations, which have limited global coverage. A true global picture of Space Weather, in which regional effects can be put into a global context, can be obtained from the combination of space and ground assets. The AMPERE project and integration of relevant Swarm mission data into ESA’s Space Weather program are current examples of this. The availability of thermosphere and ionosphere data obtained from the GRACE and GOCE missions demonstrate that also satellites that are not dedicated to space weather or space physics can still bring valuable contributions to these fields. NASA’s ICON and GOLD missions, as well as the proposed ESA D3S initiative and various CubeSat programs, could provide similar or enhanced space weather products with new capabilities for space weather monitoring and prediction in the near-future.

We solicit contributions that introduce relevant activities, on topics ranging from data processing, data-assimilation in models and Space Weather case studies to descriptions of existing and future Space Weather products and satellite mission concepts.

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Talks : Time schedule

Wednesday November 7, 11:15 - 12:45, MTC 01.03
11:15Daedalus: A Low-Flying Spacecraft for the Exploration of the Lower Thermosphere - IonosphereSarris, T et al.Invited Oral
11:30Space weather and geospace research with ESA's Swarm constellation: results, perspectives and opportunitiesFloberghagen, R et al.Invited Oral
11:45Ionospheric information obtained from ELF whistlers detected by the ESA Swarm satellitesCoïsson, P et al.Oral
12:00DTM2018 in the framework of the H2020 project SWAMIBruinsma, S et al.Oral
12:15Observation of traveling ionospheric disturbances with ICON ultraviolet imagers Wautelet, G et al.Oral
12:30European SpaceCraft for the study of Atmospheric Particle Escape: follow-on missionDandouras, I et al.Oral


1Spherical calibration method on atmospheric density model calibrationLuo, B et al.p-Poster
2The Extended Unified Model – a new non-hydrostatic model for the thermosphereJackson, D et al.p-Poster
3Use of GNSS to augment foF2 modelling Bouya, Z et al.p-Poster
4Discrimination between Internal and External origin contributions from LEO satellite magnetic field data.Piersanti, M et al.p-Poster
5On the use of a CubeSats UHF modulated beacon for characterisation of small-scale ionospheric disturbancesMckenna, E et al.p-Poster
6Ionospheric variability over equatorial latitude during extreme low solar activity periodPurohit, D et al.p-Poster
7On the use of topside RO derived electron density for model validationShaikh, M et al.p-Poster
8Update on thermospheric density products from satellite observationsMarch, G et al.p-Poster
9An initial ULF wave index derived from 2 years of Swarm observationsBalasis, G et al.p-Poster
11Evidence of tropospheric 90-day oscillations in the thermosphereGasperini, F et al.p-Poster