Topical Discussion Meeting - What are the large space weather events: views of space scientists and technology operators
Larisa Trichtchenko
Thursday 8/11, 17:15-18:30
MTC 01.03
Space Weather covers a wide range of phenomena. Quite often what is regarded as "extreme" from scientific point of view might differ from what the impacted infrastructure operators might regard as extreme events. For example, solar protons are often impact the polar ionosphere, and at the same time are not coincided with the largest geomagnetic storm. And the largest solar flare might not correspond to the largest geomagnetic storm either. At the same time, the consolidated approach to the provision of space weather services when the extreme (large) event is foreseen became a topic of discussion at WMO and ISES meetings. It is expected that the discussion will come up with some logical approach of how to define the large space weather event consistently.