Topical Discussion Meeting - Model validation for the benefit of space weather operations: surface charging and internal charging

Yihua Zheng (NASA/GSFC), T. Paul O'Brien (Aerospace Corp), Yuri Shprits (GFZ German Research Center and UCLA)
Thursday 8/11, 17:15-18:30
MTC 00.03

The Space Radiation and Plasma Effects focus team from the International Forum for Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment ( has identified two sets of physical quantities for assessing model performance, one from an engineering perspective, and the other from a science perspective.

This topical discussion meeting focuses on space environment models relevant to surface charging and internal charging, and aims to discuss all the necessary steps/practices in making further progress.

Topics include event selection criteria, such as the occurrence of interesting spacecraft events/anomalies or extreme flux value; the best choice of metrics, from among a plethora of available options; how to quantify model uncertainties; and which effect model to use for unifying the translation from the pertinent environment parameters to impact analysis.